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Fire Emblem Real Life colour

Nice humans! Yay!

Nice humans! Yay!

The colour version of this picture which got sent to people as a weird birthday party invitation. L looks awesome; lx says his boots look furry, (they’re not) and MG likes his sword. And Claire likes her pegasus, which really I just coloured in by erasing the sky. Hehheh.

I am ignorant. I realized that this morning. Oh dear. In other news, I am more confused as to the plot of Phantom of the Opera than I ever was before.

Thomas, Me, and Darth Vader

Darth Vader can be scary

Darth Vader can be scary

An old picture I forgot to post. Ummmm… this is one of my violinist friends, a young fellow named Thomas… he likes skiing and cars as well. The set-up from this picture came from Star Wars: Battlefront II, in which one of the 501st troopers says in his diary that Lord Vader… used his Force powers… to find out where the missing Death Star plans were?? I don’t even remember what the wording was, but suffice to say it sounded pretty dubious. The Force doesn’t ‘locate’ inanimate objects. I’m pretty sure. So, in this totally hypothetical situation, I’m making fun of Darth Vader and Thomas, my audience, is rather distracted by my imminent demise. And yeah, I’m flapping my hands around my head like bunny ears or something. I don’t know. It’s my “I’m Darth Vader and I’m crazy!” moves. That makes no sense. But it makes me laugh. So it stays. I’m pretty happy with this picture cause Vader is recognisable! Thomas isn’t, but that’s my fault. It looks pretty good coloured, too, though I just did a quick job.

Fire Emblem real life

Who wants to be the pegasus knight?!?

Who wants to be the pegasus knight?!?

Whoohoo! This is a picture of all my closest friends at the time of drawing. Most of them are still my closest friends, although there ought to be more of them now. We’re all Fire Emblem characters. From L-R, there’s Michael the pianist, the red-armoured cavalier, KevinT the pianist, the ‘mercenary’ class swordsman, Claire the soprano, the pegasus knight, L the pianist, the archer, Jennifer the pianist, apparently switching classes to be a fire mage (let’s say this is FE7 so it’s easier, anyway), Nathan the clarinetist, the armour knight, lx-sama, the dark-magic wielding shaman, Michael the violist, the green-armoured cavalier (did you see what I did thar), and .t, the fighter-class axeman. Scale is a little skewed because I started it as a picture of N, because I was discussing it as him and I was quite sure he would be a great armour knight, and then added everybody else later. I’m happy with N, lx, .t, L, and Claire. The rest are not so good, but passable… very close to passable…

So I sent out this picture, coloured in Photoshop, as a sort of invitation to my birthday that year. It was a great gathering. Claire and lx sat next to each other, though, which meant I nearly died of laughter. Teehee.

Dramatic TdF today… poor Cadel. Not a good year for him. Next time! On the other hand, Andy Schleck is CUTE. : D

Still plugging away at Ephraim’s Chapter 4. Nearly done that; getting ready for the Siege of Fort Rigwald. Can’t remember what happens at the end of the chapter, though, because I have a drawing from last summer of Ephraim questioning an enemy soldier after the dust settles but I have no memory of what he acutally say. Also I’m getting ideas for what Ceniro did between Lyn’s campaign and the year after that.


I hate booze but I love chocolate. Go figure.

I hate booze but I love chocolate. Go figure.

This is me, day before Christmas, and someone gave Mom a big box of those brandy-filled cashew shaped chocolates, and I had a few. Not enough to get like this, certainly. I had about three. But I thought it would be a funny idea if I did get drunk on them. So here you are. And guys, this is as close to drunk as you are getting me. That means you, Ced.

Me, Myself, and I

"******" is about the only way to sum up this picture, yeah.

“******” is about the only way to sum up this picture, yeah.

This is a picture most likely drawn in frustration of some sort or another. In it, you can see a chibi version of all the most hideous parts of my soul mocking me and being chased by a rather bloodthirsty chibi version of the ‘good’ parts of my soul. Or something. While being watched bemusedly by the real me. Actually, no part of me ever drinks, swears, and runs around in her underwear. That’s just sort of symbolism for all the things I hate most about various anonymous bits of humanity in my vicinity. Anyway, it’s all just supposed to be a cute little joke.

[edit from the future: now I swear constantly! lawl]

These Two

Violist meets kalma. Kalma is not impressed by parallels drawn by pianist. Chaos ensues?

Violist meets kalma. Kalma is not impressed by parallels drawn by pianist. Chaos ensues?

TEXT: “You mean to say that this guy, who you can’t even remember how to draw, looks like me?” “Yes. Frighteningly so. And his name’s Michael, not ‘this guy’.” “Ye’re crazy.” “You are crazy.” “(gravely) Thank you.” “Seriously, now, if you cut your hair and got amber contacts and somebody changed their height by two feet, you’d look like brothers.”

Well, then, this is an odd picture… this was before my violist friend got his hair cut, when it was still long and fluffy and pretty. For whatever reason, I thought he looked a little bit like Flairé, so I tried to draw it. I think the picture came out decently well, except MG doesn’t look like MG and I’m missing my glasses again. My self-image still doesn’t actually have glasses, if you can believe that… I’ve been wearing them since I was 13 or 14 and they still don’t register. Probably because I think I look at least a little bit nicer without them. Flairé’s arms are too short, and my head is too big. But bits of this picture don’t look too bad for an imagined scene of (mostly) real people. And I like Flairé’s hair, of course. The picture-altering program messed it up at the last minute, of course. : P

Epitaph of Seikolos

Pretty hair

Pretty hair

Pretty girls

Pretty girls

Hello! Happy 4th of July to folks who celebrate that kind of thing, and happy Saturday to those who don’t care.

This is a picture inspired by the very first piece in our MUS120A anthology, the Epitaph of Seikolos, one of less than 50 Greek musical pieces that have been found, and one of the more complete ones. Can you believe it was on two little pillars and some idiot filed off the bottom of one at some point so they would be the same height? No, I can’t either. Some people are just ignorant jerks.

Anyway, I really like the piece; it’s really pretty on the CD, even if we don’t know exactly how it was performed, so I drew a picture of a girl singing it. Maybe someone she knows just died and this is the song that was written for them. Perspective is awful on the lutist, but I like the dresses. And there’s some sort of background.

The upper head was drawn on the top margin of my linguistics notes. It’s actually better than the full drawing, but that always happens. I’m still pretty content with the big drawing.

Went for a short run this morning. Am somehow 5 pounds lighter than last night but felt slower. It’s very mysterious.

Super Team

Together, fighting vague evilness and corruption. Whoo!

Together, fighting vague evilness and corruption. Whoo!

These people appeared in a dream one night. From left to right, Leonardo, the strong guy. Quiet and reliable. Next is either Monica or Melinda, I can’t remember which. I think it was Monica. She’s the planner – very logical and quick-thinking. Next is Pi, a cat-girl who can fly. Finally is Sally, a sweet little girl who can infiltrate any facility with ease and innocence. She’s really very devious. The plot is something about Leonardo and Monica becoming orphaned and sent off to an evil government run orphanage and then busting out to prove that Leonardo was framed for a murder. Pi helps them get out and then just tags along – she has no family but never looks uncheerful. Sally is the daughter of some rich guy and she runs away because she feels caged. She is very self-reliant for an eight-year-old.

I’m afraid all this sounds terribly cliché, but hey, it was a dream. Also I know Leo is strong because he picked up a tree trunk.