Category Archives: Writing

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Devil’s Due: Part 25: A Dying World

Believe it or not, Aristheron was the one who got me into Disturbed (also David Draiman kind of sounds like the Sith Warrior male voice? Maybe I’m just imagining it). Aristheron’s music playlist is pretty all over the place, but the selections all add up to an uncompromising warrior whose indomitable prowess is only matched by his nobility of spirit, a dark knight who is yet a good person. I believe his new armour set is the Heavy Exoskeletal Warsuit. I managed to dig up my old screenshots from our playthrough together (back on my old laptop that couldn’t handle good graphics lol). He’s a handsome fellow, isn’t he?

His original theme was The Vengeful One, and his romance theme with Vany is The Light. At some point he acquired Wake the White Wolf, and he can also make use of Indestructible, Ten Thousand Against One (please to ignore terrible music video), and one more that I’m saving.

The chase scene in this chapter was written to Corpse Party: Unavoidable Tragedy (or Tradegy, as the video spells it >.>)

Part 24: Unnecessary Melodrama


Part 25: A Dying World

“Well, that’s dramatic,” Murlesson said. “Elaborate, please.” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 24: Unnecessary Melodrama

I really need to stop listening to Disturbed; it seems like every new song I listen to (some of which I’ve listened to before tbh) fits Murlesson lol. Or maybe he should stop being such an angsty teenager?

But it didn’t stop me from using Enough as a fight song for this chapter!

Both Tharash and Yllamse were really helpful in helping me to hammer out the sequence of events here and getting them to fit with the emotional tones I was going for. Thank you!

P.S. It seems that Thanaton doesn’t actually make it to the Dark Council until you make it to Voss, not ‘shortly after you make it to Act 2’ as I had assumed. Pyron tells you about it after you get the CN-12 for him. Oh well, it changes literally nothing about the story to do it this way.

Edit: Changed Ziost to Commenor for reasons.

Part 23: Idealism and Cynicism


Part 24: Unnecessary Melodrama

Four days could not pass fast enough. Lord Cressinth, though she maintained her detached demeanour consistently, prowled through the fleet, not confining her observations to the Acrimonious. She was constantly fiddling with a datapad, not even looking up at her surroundings, yet all the crew gave her a wide berth in case she should suddenly show her temper. For all her show of indifference, she was not a fond friend of boredom, and several men ended up in medical for no reason other than that they were available to be a target. Fortunately, none of them were injured more badly than a broken arm. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 23: Idealism and Cynicism

This chapter was so long I decided to cut it in half. I know that makes this one a little bit short, and the next one’s still pretty long, but it doesn’t split well anywhere else. We’re almost ready to rock and roll, though.

EDIT: Changed Ziost to Commenor, it makes more sense in the long run.

Part 22: Virus


Part 23: Idealism and Cynicism

Kallig vanished off the ship at some point that day, and Pyron did not see or hear from him for eight days afterwards. He’d begun to feel abandoned – had the Sith decided the 44th wasn’t worth the effort? – but one evening he returned to his quarters to find the young man sitting in one of his chairs, reading one of his books. “My lord.” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 22: Virus

I never liked how they just handed you a fleet in the game, and so late in the game, too. It always felt too easy and improbable. So… let’s go work for that fleet, guys! (I also didn’t like how Xalek joined the party late enough that he felt incredibly extraneous, so hi, creepy-pants, welcome to the team)

I hadn’t expected Pyron to take over the POV so thoroughly, but it works, so I’m happy! This story arc is actually really complicated, so I spent half the HDD-less break working on it lol. Probably too complicated to fit in a videogame, particularly an MMO? I hope it works for you! Continue reading

Christmas 2019

(please click for larger!)

Wait… I painted something??????? For the first time since… (checks posts) April 2017. But it’s Christmas, and I usually paint my own Christmas cards, and last year I don’t think I did anything? Probably because I was busy adjusting to moving across the country. This year I’m only adjusting to moving across town so much less emotional backlash. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 21: Venom Rising

Had a bit of a scare with my hard drive in the last couple days; my computer keeps forgetting where it put my HDD, which I keep all my stories and games on (including SWTOR). I managed to save a copy of this story to my SSD first, so I kept writing. Apparently the HDD is wearing out and needs to be replaced. But it’s within warranty, so that’s good! But I have to pause here for a bit until it’s fixed. I know it’s not a very satisfying place to stop, but hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.

Murlesson listens to death metal! (optional listening with swear words) I don’t care for it personally, (symphonic/power metal for me!) but I respect his choices. (Ashara probably listens to, like, J-pop or something. I know the Republic has got a more Classic Rock/Country feel going on, but she doesn’t strike me as either of those, personally. Or maybe I just like J-pop.)

You know what, Khem reminds me of Sten from Dragon Age Origins. >.> Big, grumpy, honourable-combat-obsessed warrior with an oversized sword. Or maybe that’s just how I wrote both of them, oops.

Part 20: Convalescence


Part 21: Venom Rising

He was getting better physically every day, though he was still far too tired and his appetite was still low. But though the ache persisted – an ache he now knew was linked to his body falling apart, as his headache was linked to his parasites nibbling at his mind – he could bear it enough to move around as normal.

Which led to Ashara bouncing into his room after a few more days, and poking him with both index fingers in the shoulder. “Hey. Hey hey hey. Let’s spar today. Stop with the screaming noises and spar with me.” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 20: Convalescence

Trigger warning for discussion of depression, which will continue until those ghosts get exorcised. Possible discussion of suicide in upcoming chapters, just so you’re not caught unawares.

I hit 50K for NaNoWriMo today!

Nightmare music. Depression music.

Part 19: Conflagration


Part 20: Convalescence

He couldn’t see, he couldn’t move. Dread filled him, a mindless, all-encompassing terror that would have paralyzed him if half of it didn’t come from being paralyzed to begin with. He wasn’t bound or tied down, he simply could not command his body to move. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 19: Conflagration

And so ends Act 2. (announcer voice): RELEASE THE DRAMA-LLAMAS

Thanaton fight soundtrack whoohoo

In retrospect, I haven’t done as well by Thanaton as I had wished to (narratively speaking; in actual fact I hate his guts, the arrogant snot). He was really not a very scary villain in the game, just kind of being annoying and antagonist-y without being very effective, and I had wanted to change that. I’ve made some effort to make him more active (Leppo, the useless Hoth assassins) but it’s really not enough, isn’t it? I’ll try again once I get to the final showdown, but Act 2 could probably use a rewrite to make it even more mastermind vs. mastermind, rather than mastermind doing his own thing vs. some distant vague threatening… guy.

I do have at least one idea to improve him, but it would involve taking Hoth apart and then putting it back together again and I think I’d rather see the story through to the end first before going back, since I might get other ideas!

Part 18: Dance with the Devil


Part 19: Conflagration

Dromund Kaas was just as he remembered it. The humidity, the thunderstorms, the sinister thrumming of the Dark Side. It was… not bad to be back, surprisingly. It wasn’t home to him the way Nar Shaddaa had become, but it was familiar, and familiar was comforting. The only thing that really bothered him was his companions. He ordered them to stay behind, and when he arrived at the gate to the Sith Sanctum, they were getting out of the taxi speeder behind his.

“You are the worst minions,” he growled at them under his breath, trying not to attract attention. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 18: Dance with the Devil

Hey are you ready for some tooth-rotting fluffy fluff? I’m ready for some tooth-rotting fluffy fluff! : D Does it count as dancing with the devil if the devil can’t dance?

I made a picture using the Rinmaru couple’s dollmaker of their date outfits, lol. (Had to photoshop it a little to get the colours right.) I mean, I was kind of thinking more like this in red for Ashara’s top, but close enough, right?

Date night soundtrack!! Someone put the lyrics in the comments somewhere and they’re weirdly appropriate! <3

EDIT: Ashara was weirdly okay with murder in the previous version of this chapter, so I changed that.

Part 17: Apogee


Part 18: Dance with the Devil in the Pale Moonlight

He found himself nervous as the time they’d set to go out drew nearer, and he had no idea why. It wasn’t logical, he’d watched all of Lightning Strikes My Heart and half a dozen other holodramas that had at least a romantic subplot, he knew what to do and how to act. And it was Ashara, who… was actually intimidating in her mysterious femininity, or feminine mysteriousness, or something, was that the problem? He knew how women in holodramas acted, he knew how Ashara acted, but he didn’t know how Ashara-as-a-woman acted. And… he… wanted things to go ‘well’, whatever that meant. He guessed it meant Ashara enjoying herself, and him successfully carrying off the role. Continue reading