Okay so Tatooine is the most boring planet for Sith Inquisitor; all you do is meet Andronikos. I already covered that, so there’s nothing of importance left. Alderaan is slightly more interesting, I guess; it’s going to leave Murlesson pretty jaded on the topic of romance if nothing else. So… Aristheron gets more screentime! (I promise this is not actually another Sith Warrior story)
I just really want to get to the Zash showdown asap, is that so bad anyway? D:
Part 9: A Compendium of Jedi
The detour to Korriban was going to take a lot longer than just going straight to Alderaan. He was half-tempted to search for the artifact on Alderaan first and return to Dromund Kaas by way of Korriban, but by then the situation might have changed. He just needed to get back to Alderaan before Zash reached Tatooine, or else she would be suspicious. Which meant that his infiltration had to go flawlessly. And then there was Khem’s request that he might as well take care of at the same time… Continue reading