Chapter 2: Living Legend Chapter 4: Unfulfilled Heart
Suuuuper long chapter, because these guys just started talking and talking and it’s great but it doesn’t really move the plot along. Anyway, I took a day off to recharge my brain, because this chapter took a long time to write, too. But for a few days things should go faster. I hope.
Also, I didn’t mention it yet, but surreptitiously I’m assuming that pretty much everyone changed class at the beginning of Vol 4., except of course Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector. So that’s why you’ll see references to magic users using staves, and staff users using magic, and various weapon users using weapons that they couldn’t before. It’s not supposed to be a big deal, just these people are leveling up and becoming awesome! However, their primary weapons are their starting weapons. So, Lucius isn’t going to become mega-focused on healing people, even though in-game I use him that way (in addition to blasting everyone in the vicinity with Light magic. Light is so good; it’s fast and lightweight and has decent damage), but Ceniro will call on him to do so now and again. Like at the end of this chapter.
Problem: I have written Ceniro/Lyn so distinctly I’m not sure how to turn it into Lyn/Hector now.
Other problem: I have a plot bunny for an alternate epilogue, in which Pent and Louise ARE kicked out of Reglay County and join Ceniro, who is totally fine, and they go and are mercenaries on the run, wandering the lands and, I guess, trying to clear Pent’s name. I also suppose this could be an alternate universe in which Lyn does go with Ceniro, despite Hector’s… charms. And by charms, I mean abs, and Lyn means courage and blunt generosity. lol (This alternate universe would also probably be one in which FE6 doesn’t take place, or at least Klein and Clarine’s roles are at least slightly different, even if Pent and Louise return home eventually.)
I also have some ideas for the Adhemlenei book (spoilers: IT’S ALL MARTETH’S FAULT wait what?) and a new super-sekrit long-term project involving Jayce, and Hrulash has been fidgeting fidgetily. I might have to give him some attention soon. After I finish this story, that logo, and learn two difficult pieces of music. Continue reading →