Tag Archives: Aentfryn Zwynswaensyn

FFXIV: Dragonsong

We made it, you guys.

Nidstinien’s model is really cool, too bad it’s always covered in flashy lights from everyone trying to kill him. XD

Writing this boss fight felt nearly as intense as fighting this boss fight. XD Gods I love the music.

Chapter 38: Resolve


Chapter 39: Dragonsong

Aymeric felt his blood run cold as Ishgard came into view below him in the dark, smoky morning. In the short time that Nidhogg had been ahead of them, the Steps of Faith were become a scorched ruinous hellscape, and though he had heard the rumble of the guns from over the horizon, testifying to their mighty efforts in keeping the dragons out of the city proper, smoke was still rising from many parts of the city. Black dragons swarmed the Steps of Faith, aiming for the gates, and knights of all liveries had sortied out to meet them. They were few, now, too few – but he saw Lucia’s distinctive armour among them, and breathed a sigh of relief. Continue reading

FFXIV: Resolve

This chapter is quite a bit shorter but the final boss fight was ending up so long I decided it would be nicer to have a shorter chapter here rather than one colossally long one there.

Hraesvelgr is so wishy-washy. XD “My soulmate doesn’t want me to fight (*hands Nidhogg a gun*)”

Contrary to my general strategy to not use the edits the game has made to the plot since I first played it 5 years ago, I am thrilled that Sohr Khai is now a trust and I went and did it to grab extra dialogue >: D

Chapter 37: Shattered Peace


Chapter 38: Resolve

“Though I expected no better answer from Vidofnir, I take little pleasure from having been proven right,” Alphinaud said the next morning, as they packed their things and redressed in their armour. “‘Twould seem that our presence at Zenith will be every bit as unwelcome as I had anticipated. But what is the ire of one great wyrm to a band of self-confessed fools such as ourselves?” Continue reading

FFXIV: Shattered Peace

This area of plot is where I may “deviate from the prepared remarks” a bit; there’s a lot of headcanony stuff and game adjustments for a while. But you’re not exactly reading this in order to just experience the game again, are you. : )

Song at the end is “The Rose“, which sounds like a traditional folk song but is actually from the 70’s written by one Amanda McBroom; my preferred recording is the King’s Singers’ choral arrangement. It’s also on the Only Yesterday soundtrack in Japanese!

Chapter 36: Rousing Spirits


Chapter 37: Shattered Peace

Achiyo and the other Warriors of Light saw little of Aymeric over the following few days; it seemed all of Ishgard had been plunged into a whirlwind of activity and preparation. Honoroit was out of bed with only some scarring on his brow to show of his ordeal, Emmanellain was somehow back to his old self without being back to his old ways, and Alphinaud was looking much more confident. Continue reading

FFXIV: Rousing Spirits

Is it just me or have interpersonal relationships suddenly become easier between my characters starting last chapter? Like they actually like each other? Y’know, only an expansion and a half late. : P

I took out the cyclops because I don’t think it really adds anything except make Thancred miss the climax of the fight for no reason. : P

Chapter 35: Unraveling Hopes


Chapter 36: Rousing Spirits

Achiyo, Rinala, R’nyath, and Vivienne went down for breakfast in Fortemps Manor several days later and found Count Edmont reading a notice as he ate. “Ah, good morning to you all. Ser Aymeric has news for us. I shall call upon him after I have breakfasted, would you care to join me?” Continue reading

FFXIV: The Void Ark

Work upon Vivienne’s cosplay proceeds apace! I’m not done yet, though. There’s so much to do! I’m nearly done the main part of the chestplate, but there are so many little details! And then there are the gloves and boots, which have a bit less detail, and I’m still debating if I want to make a helmet or not. I don’t think I will have time before Halloween for a helmet, but for the cosplay in general.

This chapter is a little bit fillery, but hey my characters wanted to talk! Also there are sure a lot of people with swords in the 24-man, but obviously the PLD or GLD characters who are not Achiyo are not tanking.

Also I didn’t consciously decide to write the spooky ship during spooky month, but hey this works out!

Chapter 33: A City in Chaos


Chapter 34: The Void Ark

“So how was your honeymoon?” R’nyath asked Kekeniro as the Warriors of Light and Y’shtola appeared around the aetheryte on Azys Lla.

“We can speak of that later,” Aentfryn said. “Should we not begin by summarizing the situation?” Continue reading

FFXIV: A City in Chaos

Wow, it’s been nearly a year since I uploaded a FFXIV chapter? How!? I got stuck on these BRD quests but I felt they were important. (also work, yadda yadda, lack of energy, yadda yadda, cosplay yadda)

Gordon Lightfoot passed away since I last posted. I didn’t know his music as well as I should (and I should since 1: it’s gorgeous and 2: I’m Canadian), but I did know it a little bit, and I submit for your consideration Song for a Winter’s Night as a good song for Aymeric shippers.

I’m working on a Vivienne cosplay for Halloween! I tried to do it last year, starting with Cronus, but Cronus is a huge complicated scary project and I was still pretty burned out. I seem to be doing much better this year, I already have the chestpiece cut out of craft foam.

Chapter 32: Thancred


Chapter 33: A City in Chaos

“If you ask me, it sounds like naught but a faerie tale,” Guydelot said, folding his arms and glaring off at the gate of Tailfeather. “I’d wager that ‘heavens’ is just a metaphor for a natural phenomenon. We’ve hit a dead end – I say we return to Gridania for now and look for other avenues.” Continue reading

FFXIV: Thancred

Somehow, I wrote a chapter. It took a long time because I am chronically overstressed with work right now, and future chapters will probably continue to be slow (until the winter holiday season? I might write faster then.). But now that I put Scrivener on my tablet, I can write in comfy places, and even times when I’m not at home. It’s nice to be able to do that.

But exciting things have happened! First of all, Aentfryn talked to me and we worked out a character arc for him! I’m so glad, he felt a little pointless until now. I had wanted a contrasting character to all the young hot excitable heroes when I made him, but since he didn’t openly want any of the same things that they did, it was tough for me to figure out what his deal was. But he has an arc now, and that’s why we’re starting this chapter with him, to celebrate!

Another thing is that despite the game plot being absolutely thrilling and me wanting to show you the impact it has on my PCs, I need to not forget to focus on the relationships between the PCs, and between the PCs and NPCs, above all else (and not just the romantic ones). I want more bonding moments between all of these people! They’re friends, right?

Vivienne gear update! Yes, she is beginning the Anima Weapon quests this chapter, but also – I have decided that she’ll get her “character design” Omicron chestpiece at level 70, when you’re supposed to get it, so at this point in the story she should be wearing something like the High Allagan chestpiece, that’s also a pretty sexy tank chestpiece.

I’ve been playing through ARR on a new character and I’m really excited at the changes I’ve seen so far. Toto-rak isn’t the worst dungeon ever! Copperbell’s new bosses feel better too! The new piñata-less Rhitahtyn battle is so awesome I almost want to go back and rewrite my chapter! Castrum is beautifully streamlined! However, despite the mechanics of the new Lahabread battle being much more exciting, I can’t condone canonically killing (and rezzing) the WoL so soon in the story. We’ve been a zombie this whole time??? No, even if it highlights Laha’s ancient power and the WoL’s noobness, that doesn’t sit well with me.

Finally, I learned that I actually know more of the ARR voice actors than I thought! For instance, Urianger is the same voice as Fenris from DA2! (and Raubahn is Hawke : O ) And most importantly, Thancred is voiced by Taliesin Jaffe, under an alias in the credits! No wonder I thought he had a sexy voice in ARR! It’s a lot like his Percy de Rolo voice. I like Taliesin’s Thancred better than Peter Bramhill’s Thancred (his is a lot less sassy, imo) so now that I know who it is, I can just think of Percy. : ) Continue reading

FFXIV: Absolution

It’s still strange to me how much of a cliffhanger 3.0 is compared to 4.0 or 5.0. Then again, 2.0 had a bit of a cliffhanger, with Bahamut’s roar, but even though Bahamut was in the trailer blowing up the world, it wasn’t like we’d already fought him once, and his quests ended up being the 8-man raids and not MSQ.

(Reminder: in the European medieval period, ‘small beer’ was not really considered alcoholic, everyone drank it, even children)

If you like Kekeniro and want to see much more of him from another angle, he’s a blatant expy of my tactician Ceniro from my FE7 fics.

With this, my 3.0 interpretation is complete. I’m going to take some time before getting into 3.x; I haven’t plotted out how the raids and 24-mans will fit into the timeline yet and I would like to just play the game again and see how it’s changed since… 3 years ago I last played? I’m not leaving forever, I’m really excited about the Dragonsong War, and Achiyo going back to the East in SB, and just how ShB is going to work with 8 WoL, to name just a few things.

Chapter 30: Unbreakable


Chapter 31: Absolution

Achiyo could not eat, could hardly drink a little water, so much was she filled with fear. It would not pass from her, no matter how she breathed, no matter that the healers all told her she was physically well and urged her to eat and regain her strength. She just couldn’t. Her stomach hurt, and not from any wound. Continue reading

FFXIV: Unbreakable

This chapter is of course named for the soundtrack of the Fractal Continuum – which is not the ARF, I am aware (the music of which is named Imagination). But while Imagination is all beautifully desperate and heroic and I love it, Unbreakable is one of the most kickass dungeon tunes in the whole game, maybe even my favourite dungeon theme (yes, even over A Long Fall (Twinning dungeon) – that name always reminds me of a ONE OK ROCK song…). Unbreakable makes me want to learn to play drums. But that’s gotta wait because I’m learning bass guitar first.

I wonder if Azys Lla is supposed to be pronounced in a Welsh fashion, with the double-L? Given that, for instance, the level 60 24-mans take naming inspiration from Gaelic (Mhach, Cu Chulainn) I don’t think it’s out of the question. In which case everyone’s pronouncing it wrong. : D

I feel like Thordan’s motivations weren’t really adequately explained in the game? Why he came to Azys Lla (so that his primal form could absorb the Warring Triad? I would have liked better clarification at the time, especially since you don’t fight the Triad until later patches), and what he intended specifically to do once he became a god. It would also have been nice to have a better idea of Lahabrea’s plan, but at least his goals are clear.

I enjoy the in-game canon that the WoL single-handedly one-shots Thordan and knights out of pure rage. (BFG Division starts playing) Continue reading

FFXIV: On the Hunt

So my grandparents gave me a bonus gift this year, so I used it to buy like 5 FFXIV books, including the first Ishgard artbook and both Encyclopedia Eorzeas! I have no idea when they will arrive but since I think the Encyclopedias are being reprinted they probably won’t arrive until I’ve finished HW. Sure, all the info is also on the wikis, but it’s nice to have it in book form to flip through. (Also the Primals Blueray concert, let’s go!)

Vivienne isn’t actually ice-aspected; she’s Umbral Earth (Althyk, December birthmonth) and I headcanon that Fray is lightning-aspected. So when Alain mentions elements he’s really speaking more poetically.

Chapter 28: At What Cost


Chapter 29: On the Hunt

Cid had been enlisted into the chase, naturally, as the archbishop had left upon an airship heading into dangerous territory, and who better to aid them than the man with an airship and no fear of danger? The engineer was delighted to bear them on another adventure, and sailed them cheerfully into the Sea of Clouds to the far north. Continue reading