Tag Archives: Akuliina

Queen of Kuat: Chapter 2 – Birth of a Storm

So you can tell this has changed substantially from the first draft just based on how different it is from the art I originally did of her wedding. Sadly no family butt-kicking at the wedding now, but instead an assassination attempt that makes a lot more sense than “throw troops at the person who mows down troops for a living (while she has back-up)” which was the original, haha.

Chapter 1: An Irritating Interruption


Chapter 2: Birth of a Storm


It was too quick for him to feel terror, and adrenaline left no room for such feelings anyway. The heat from the explosion washed over them, along with a fine shower of shrapnel; his ears were ringing. And still they were flying and beginning to fall…

He was jolted nearly out of Akuliina’s grip as she seized hold of the wing of a speeder that had braked hard to watch the explosion. The speeder rocked and the startled pilot accelerated hard, but Akuliina was holding on like grim death. Continue reading

Queen of Kuat: Chapter 1 – An Irritating Interruption

Here we go again! I wrote one version of this during Camp NaNoWriMo earlier this year, but I wasn’t satisfied with basically any of it so I’m taking another shot at it. It’s got more explosions, it’s more tightly written than before, more stuff makes sense… It’s also even darker and Akuliina is even more of a bloodthirsty space berserker dominatrix. You have been warned. Also I still haven’t played the expansions yet. And I probably won’t because EA is a sack of-

Btw someone gave me a really really nice comment on my Kotor 2 fic, which made me really happy, and part of the comment inspired a little bit of editing, particularly in adding a scene to Part 2. I also gave the fic an actual name, because it’s not really about Sith Lords lol. Continue reading

“It’s simple moments like this…”

“…when I’m most sure the Empire will prevail.”

Decided to do a more intimate picture of Akuliina, ended up with this. Quote is one of the things Quinn says if you talk to him randomly and he doesn’t have a conversation waiting. You can tell it’s very tender because neither of them are wearing gloves. (also: proof that they don’t spend all their alone time ripping each other’s clothes off.)

Freedom, I Kinda Feel It

[CLICK FOR LARGER] Akuliina, The Emperor’s Wrath, Lord of the Sith, The Golden Conqueror (also the name of her new flagship), Daughter of the House of Volkov, and Queen of Kuat. Image title is from Up and Dance, which isn’t necessarily her theme song but fits the ideal of a passionate, power-hungry, fire-themed Sith pretty well: Continue reading

Quinnkuliina modern Earth AU: Downfall

Okay enough of this nonsense, let’s get back to Space!Akuliina. It is Camp Nanowrimo month, after all.


He got a text from her a few days later after work. She’d acquired his number a few weeks before, though she hadn’t made much use of it up to this point.

may have answers to recent situation. thought you’d want to know

What sort of answers? he texted back.

don’t know yet. meet me at 221b baker st tmo after work

ps sherlock holmes looks like you lol Continue reading

Quinnkuliina modern Earth AU: Life is something to prove

Okay so I don’t actually know anything about British law so I left out all the action parts because the important part is the drama anyway.

Earth!Akuliina acts quite different under this sort of physical pressure than Space!Akuliina because even when S!Akuliina (temporarily) loses the Force, she’s still been trained as a warrior. Earth!Akuliina might have great self-defense classes, but she’s never actually had to fight. Also Space!Quinn still wouldn’t yell at Akuliina the way Earth!Quinn does, even after they’re married. This is the sort of thing I find interesting for some reason. : P

I’m probably going to be Akuliina for Hallowe’en. : P


She was tied to a chair in a garbage-littered concrete basement storeroom while half a dozen rough-looking men leered at her and for the first time in her life, she felt real fear crawling in the pit of her stomach. Some of them carried darkening bruises of her handiwork, she hadn’t been completely defenseless, but there had been too many for her to escape from. She should have listened to Quinn this time…

But still she snarled at them with bared teeth, because she would rather die than show fear. They laughed in her face and dirty hands reached out towards her.

The door slammed in with a colossal bang. “No one move!” shouted a familiar voice. Continue reading

Quinnkuliina modern Earth AU: Pursuit


why does this exist

can I blame tumblr culture



The first time he saw her was at a function sponsored by RVGR. He walked around the fringes of the gathering, as was appropriate for Mr. Baras’s head of security to do, watching the corporate bigwigs chattering to each other, negotiating alliances and deals. Some of the wives were clustered around the hors d’ouevres, and the younger people had mostly gravitated to the bar and the dance floor, gyrating to the sort of throbbing bass-heavy music that always gave him a headache, but… Continue reading