Tag Archives: Akuliina

Quinnkuliina Wedding Pictures Complete Set


This is what I was working on in the hopes of having it done for Valentine’s Day, but alas, I was sick last week and that stole the three days I needed to finish it on time. : P So anyway, here they are, and also spoilers for Chapter 1 of Queen of Kuat. Super lazy with backgrounds; they are all screenshots and some of them have had ingame avatars edited out because for some reason I left them in ‘for scale’, not realizing I was going to be lazy (haaaaaaa) and using them straight later?

Quinn is wearing a dress uniform I made up for the rank of Commodore (the one that comes after Captain). …Don’t ask me where he pulled the blaster from. Continue reading

Dance Party

^What happens when you start listening to the Initial D soundtrack but your mind is still on SWTOR (yes Quinn is watching Akuliina’s rear end)

(disco lights resource)

(Initial D is pretty entertaining even though it’s super predictable and the animation is shit btw – makes me want to take better care of my car)

Ugh I haven’t drawn anything in forever and I want to, I have ideas, but I’m always so tired by the time I get to them -__- this nonsense hardly counts : P

Quinnkuliina: Baked Potatoes

He’d returned from his mission and headed for the ship’s mess for sustenance before he began making dinner – Akuliina certainly wasn’t going to touch anything in the kitchen, the woman would survive on canned legumes and sweet ices if it wasn’t for him…
Or would she? He stepped into the mess and stopped short. His wife was holding a root vegetable and viciously stabbing it with a fork, as if it were a particularly nasty Jedi. “What are you doing?”
“Enjoying myse- what does it look like I’m doing?” she demanded. “What are you doing back so soon? I thought you wouldn’t be finished for another hour.”
“Things went exceptionally well this time. I think that one has enough holes in it.”
“The holonet said to do it, or else it would explode when cooked,” she grumbled, putting it down and moving on to the next one and stabbing it with equal enthusiasm.
“That is correct,” he said. “Would you like any help?”
The glare she gave him would have fried the roots on their own without any help from the oven. “No. I can do this. Go away.”
“As you wish, my lady.”
Emperor’s breath, she was adorable when she tried new things.

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 15: Troth

I’m done! …until I play Rise of the Hutt Cartel! And I have two sequels set in the future planned! HALP

Difficult to have a boss fight the equal of the previous two. I tried!


Chapter 15: Troth

The great ornate door of the Dark Council chamber rose before her and she strode in at Vowrawn’s side, glowering, straight and proud in her red light battle armour. The Dark Council was arranged on either side of the chamber, six seats to a side, though some of those seats were empty; ahead was a great empty throne for the Emperor. More symbolic than practical now, she knew… and yet an ever-present reminder of who their true master was. She nodded to the one man on the Dark Council whom she knew personally, the young red Zabrak named Murlesson with the red hair and baleful yellow eyes, present via hologram from his ship; he nodded back gravely. The power in the room was thick as a cloud, intoxicating and heady. She felt her eyes brighten under its influence. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 14: The Wrath of the Wrath

Bit disjointed, this chapter. Corellia is big. And I’m not so interested in the ‘plot’ as in these two emotionally unhealthy idiots. Actually, Baras’s Force-woman thing is completely ridiculous (why didn’t he ask her about Jaesa, for instance?) so that’s been scrapped. And replaced by a giant FF/DBZ style fight that I’m super excited about!!

EDIT: added a couple bits in which Vowrawn becomes Quinnkuliina’s couple’s counselor lol


Chapter 14: The Wrath of the Wrath

If she’d been distant and hard after Baras’s betrayal, she was remote and impenetrable now. He stayed on the ship, in the cockpit as much as he could, while she went to fight Baras and the Republic with Pierce, or Jaesa, or even Broonmark. A Talz was better company than him now, but that couldn’t hurt him more than the way she looked at him when they were around. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 13: Asphyxiation

And here




Chapter 13: Asphyxiation

She was right; he did feel more like himself the next day. Especially since she was gracious enough to let him sleep in. He shouldn’t have; he should have been at his post at the same time as always, but she’d risen without waking him, and disabled the alarm on his chrono. He couldn’t say she didn’t take care of her crew. When he’d been her age, he would have been just fine on three hours of sleep, but now he was in his thirties, he appreciated it. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 12: Personal

Almost wrote Broysc as going completely insane, imagining he was back on the barge, grabbing Akuliina’s chest, and then Quinn punching him to death, but it didn’t really fit after what the game set up. : P


Chapter 12: Personal

She regarded the wall that was surely a door with slight irritation. If Vette had been there, she would have been able to figure out how to get past it right away. But she had Jaesa and Quinn with her. Quinn’s mission to contact Imperial High Command had been stalled when no one higher in rank than Commodore would speak with him, so there was nothing he could do about Moff Broysc at the moment. So she brought him to support her with his ranged capabilities. Continue reading