Some doodles from second year notebooks.
Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading
Some doodles from second year notebooks.
Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading
Somebody’s got shiny hair.
I watched The Matrix for the first time just before this picture with my friend lx, and he said to me in the middle of it: “I like Neo’s coat. Get me Neo’s coat, Jen.”
So I did. Except it was in a picture. And chibified. Eee, chibified lx is cute. Also included are N as Morpheus, since he’s ‘older’ than us, and I’m Trin because I’m a girl. Also I like her shiny shiny leather vinyl spandex? clothing stuff. The Triumvirate part comes from an idea of lx’s, that we three should be a composing triumvirate, especially after the part where Christopher said he prays nightly that we should become composers.
I might yet become a composer. Just not full time, and not at UVic. So that dream should not be wholly abandoned. : P
That’s a rifle I’m holding demurely behind my back.
Whoohoo. I’m thrilled. -_-7
I have to say… sweatdrop. Y’know, that anime convention that an embarrassed or exasperated character has a large rain-drop shape on the back/side of their head.
This picture is a long-running joke at school… One of my friends just loves the movie “Lisztomania”. Which begins straight away with something I don’t want to see. Apparently a metronome is involved, and then I stopped listening to the preview discussion. So, this friend holds a party once a year where everyone (everyone interested) all goes to watch it. lx-sama once asked if I was going, and I replied “I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty screwdriver first”. That inspired him to a fit of that deep chuckling giggling that sets everyone in the area either giggling too or backing away slowly. It’s a little sinister. Very gratifying, personally. A different time, I told him I would come if my head was swathed in so much duct tape I could hear nothing and see nothing. I think. Correct me if I’m wrong, guys? Anyway, there was some talk of duct tape and eyeballs, but I don’t really remember what happened. All I really remember is this picture, in which Flairé kindly did swath my head in duct tape and let lx-sama drag me off hyperly. Hooray for excited chibis. You can see I misspelled Liszt the first time. Pickles. This picture did amuse lx-sama greatly, so that objective was accomplished.
Sort of mixed media; Flairé is in pencil because he’s the most realistic. I love Flairé. He takes such good care of me.
lx has shiny hair.
Nice humans! Yay!
The colour version of this picture which got sent to people as a weird birthday party invitation. L looks awesome; lx says his boots look furry, (they’re not) and MG likes his sword. And Claire likes her pegasus, which really I just coloured in by erasing the sky. Hehheh.
I am ignorant. I realized that this morning. Oh dear. In other news, I am more confused as to the plot of Phantom of the Opera than I ever was before.
Who wants to be the pegasus knight?!?
Whoohoo! This is a picture of all my closest friends at the time of drawing. Most of them are still my closest friends, although there ought to be more of them now. We’re all Fire Emblem characters. From L-R, there’s Michael the pianist, the red-armoured cavalier, KevinT the pianist, the ‘mercenary’ class swordsman, Claire the soprano, the pegasus knight, L the pianist, the archer, Jennifer the pianist, apparently switching classes to be a fire mage (let’s say this is FE7 so it’s easier, anyway), Nathan the clarinetist, the armour knight, lx-sama, the dark-magic wielding shaman, Michael the violist, the green-armoured cavalier (did you see what I did thar), and .t, the fighter-class axeman. Scale is a little skewed because I started it as a picture of N, because I was discussing it as him and I was quite sure he would be a great armour knight, and then added everybody else later. I’m happy with N, lx, .t, L, and Claire. The rest are not so good, but passable… very close to passable…
So I sent out this picture, coloured in Photoshop, as a sort of invitation to my birthday that year. It was a great gathering. Claire and lx sat next to each other, though, which meant I nearly died of laughter. Teehee.
Dramatic TdF today… poor Cadel. Not a good year for him. Next time! On the other hand, Andy Schleck is CUTE. : D
Still plugging away at Ephraim’s Chapter 4. Nearly done that; getting ready for the Siege of Fort Rigwald. Can’t remember what happens at the end of the chapter, though, because I have a drawing from last summer of Ephraim questioning an enemy soldier after the dust settles but I have no memory of what he acutally say. Also I’m getting ideas for what Ceniro did between Lyn’s campaign and the year after that.