Tag Archives: Alisaie

FFXIV: The Elder Primal

So life has been busy since I last wrote: between work, a dire cold, a (working) trip to Europe (trip pics coming out… between XIV stuff), and Shadowbringers, I haven’t had much time to write. However I’m determined to put a dent in the story now, as a lot of the writing I did do is recording thoughts on 5.0 happenings, so I do want to catch up to it sooner rather than later lol! Still going to take me years…

My spoiler-free thoughts on Shadowbringers now that I’m done: it’s SO GOOD! I love how the focus closes in from Stormblood’s sprawling war epic to a highly character-driven conflict, getting closer to people we already care about, the lore bombs (oh the lore bombs), the tension and drama (cried multiple times, screamed of excitement multiple times, will upload video evidence). That ENDING. My heart. Respect. I am not sure how I’m going to write it with 8 people. Also Soken is a GOD. Still. I’ve tried the new raid and I think it’s going to be the best raid yet; I don’t even remember much of FFVIII but the XIV plot is really intriguing. Still haven’t downed any of the EX primals, though I’ve actually made a go of it with friends and without, but I do want a weapon. Also, to fit the story, I fantasia’d to Vivienne! And also one thing that made me way too excited was a part where Alphinaud said words that inadvertently title-dropped this fic! I started writing this almost two years ago! I can’t believe it, it’s too perfect lol Continue reading

FFXIV: Shinobi

Oh boy, a new chapter? Kekeniro gets some PoV time here, and was quite forthcoming about his backstory. Nice. He’ll probably have another go at PoV during T13. Took me a while to write T9, however, and I have not yet tried to attempt it synced. Maybe over holiday break. Except I’ve been grinding hunts and trying to finish my second Anima weapon. Also I have ended up with 5/6 ARR ponies, mostly by chance, but Ramuh won’t give me a thunder-pony and I’ve been punching him in the beard at least once a day for the last week.

EDIT: Nael always seemed strangely convoluted to me, and when my friend read out Nael’s entry in the lorebook, revealing that Nael was a woman all along, who took the place of her dead brother, I was terribly confused. Haillenarte on tumblr did a translation of the relevant bits and now that I’ve found them, they’ve helped a lot! So I’m kind of keeping that Nael was masquerading as her brother still, hence Alisaie saying ‘him’ in the first cutscene, but Nael no longer has a reason to pretend to be her brother, so after they find out Nael’s a woman, I switch the pronouns.

Chapter 8: Business As Usual


Chapter 9: Shinobi

“You’re late,” were Alphinaud’s first words to them, standing next to a small ship of foreign design in the Vesper Bay harbour. Achiyo peered at it, wondering why it should look familiar. “No matter, I know where our visitors are headed.” Continue reading

FFXIV: Once a Hero

To write this chapter, I took Achiyo (level 52 PLD) and rounded up a party finder of folks willing to fight Coils 1-5 synced to level 50. Twintania took a couple days to beat, and when we did, it felt awesome!! It’s a lot harder than my writing implies… But the chapter was tending to the long anyway, and Twin isn’t really worth the epic writing, not compared to Phoenix and Bahamut will be.

Starting to feel like writing Voltron fic, stand by. : P

EDIT: I was never happy with Chuchupa’s little bit, or her backstory; I’m still not totally sure what it is, but it’s not what I had here before. I also added a bit for Vivienne, because her brother has thus far not made a single appearance and she seems kind of distant from him, like he’s not necessary to her story. Which means he probably isn’t, which I would like to fix.

Chapter 6: For the Light


Chapter 7: Once a Hero

Rinala had passed out from exhaustion not long after they had escaped the Castrum, and she did not hear much else until about eight hours later, when she woke to find herself in a tent with the sun smiling down outside. Someone had dressed her in clean clothes, and someone – probably one of her Scion friends – had even got out her Thancred plush and laid it in her arms while she slept. She squeezed it happily, sleepily, then decided she should probably get up, she was ravenous. Continue reading