Tag Archives: Anders

The Woman With a Dragon’s Heart: Chapter 2

Ahhh, the first chapter that’s mostly from Nate’s point of view! How nice. I forgot what a sarcastic bastard he was. Love that guy, big Howe nose and all.

Apparently there is a Ghost in the Shell game coming to Steam?????????

Chapter 1, Chapter 3


Chapter 2


They buried Mhairi early the next morning; Queen Anora was present, and left to return to Denerim soon after, wishing Elizabeth good fortune one more time.

One of the first things she wished to do as soon as Anora was gone was to familiarize herself with the entire castle, from top to bottom, and Elra went with her, and another soldier, Mia – Garevel didn’t seem to want her to be on her own, even though the castle had been made secure. As far as she knew, Varel and Garevel had taken care of blocking up the path from which they believed the darkspawn had emerged, at least until it could be investigated further. It was a little worrying to be sitting upon such a thing, but there wasn’t anything more that could be done instantly. Continue reading

The Woman With a Dragon’s Heart: Chapter 1

Going to write this story fast and loose. Hit the emotional moments and not worry TOO much about all that annoying political stuff, not to mention the dialogue. I might go through later after replaying the game in order to put in some of the extra good dialogue (Anders and Oghren in particular are suffering) but right now I’m just going to WRITE a STORY.

I also managed over 9000 words today, so that’s an achievement worthy of my past NaNo records. I was beginning to worry I’d lost that ability completely.

…I should probably clean the apartment, it’s been pretty neglected…

…but Guild Wars…

Prologue, Chapter 2


Chapter 1


A week and a half later, and Elizabeth and Mhairi were walking steadily up a surprisingly small road in the middle of the Arling of Amaranthine, heading to the castle of Vigil’s Keep, where a small force of a dozen Grey Wardens from Orlais waited for her to assume her position as their leader. Zevran had left them in Denerim, taking ship to Antiva. Elizabeth had also taken some time to visit Fort Drakon, where Huan was proudly siring many puppies to try to rebuild the mabari population in Ferelden after so many of the noble beasts had sacrificed themselves in the Blight.

Evening was falling. “Tell me more,” Elizabeth said to Mhairi.

“The Grey Wardens have been here about six months,” Mhairi told her. “They’re… decent people, for Orlesians. I would be proud to work beside them.”

“You want to be a Grey Warden too, don’t you?” Elizabeth said. Mhairi’s eyes were full of admiration every time she said ‘Grey Warden’, and her voice hushed a little. She must be young, as young as Elizabeth, perhaps. Continue reading