Tag Archives: Ceniro

Christmas in colour 2009 (finished!)


And now, the finished picture! Ehhhhh… I actually used the tablet a lot less with the shading/highlighting. I used it a lot for the hair, of course, but the clothes… just didn’t work with that. I need to find a way to change the settings so the harder I press doesn’t affect the width of the stroke, but how dark/light it is.

Parts I’m pleased with: Marteth’s dark purple coat; Gullac’s teal shirt; Bayn’s grey jacket. Coincidentally, they’re the ones you can see least of. : P Tam’s jacket is a close second, though. His shoulders came out half-way decent. I’m also happy with all the hair and Flairé’s face, which was worrying me. Doesn’t he look like his parents? X D

I realize that the ink lines only get in the way now. I think I will experiment in the future with not having hard lines at all. With the tablet, I can do that now!

I’m collecting Candy-cane shards in Guild Wars so I can get the Candy-cane daggers (for Gullac, when I make him) and the Peppermint Scythe (because it’s cool). I already have a Candy-cane spear. I wonder if these weapons break if you use them too much? I don’t think so. But I’m a little nervous about actually using them in battle.

Gullac: I’m not! (sproings around like a frog, brandishing his daggers and laughing insanely)

Dude, I haven’t gotten them yet. Give me another hour.

Merry Christmas in Colour, part 1


(sings and dances) I wuv my tablet, I wuv my tablet…

I’m using this picture as a tutorial to teach myself how to use it, and to relearn Photoshop as the version that came with it is similar to the one we have downstairs (Photoshop 5) but of course it’s different. So I will be shading and highlighting and making shiny over the next week or so. When I’m not playing Wii Sports Resort (that is a pretty darn good game, if I do say so). The tablet is very handy in that I don’t have to switch brushes to do the the tiny corners – I just let up on the pressure. It’s great! And of course it feels like drawing which is very comfortable. It’s a pretty cool device.

I’m not sure how I ended up colour co-ordinated with Flairé’s princely outfit. I think it’s because it’s a generally accepted fact that I look decent in black and red, and his outfit just happens to be black and red. Hmmmm. Oh, I just noticed that part of it is not the right colour (silly me), so I’ll fix that tomorrow. Esgalwen, too, is usually in red, but she also likes blue and green. …Marteth looks like his eyes are crossed. I better fix that. And maybe I’d better recolour Jalril’s tunic so it doesn’t look like part of his skin.

Y’know, the more I look at this picture, the more I like it. Is that bad?

Merry Christmas 2009!

Whoa! Lots of pictures today, folks! Hold on!


First, a very Merry Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate) from all of us here at the Adhemlenei. People in this picture: Marteth, Bayn, Gyoriing, Lyrestan; Mathaning, Gullac, Zela, Flaer, Yoeath; Flaria, Jalril, Flairé, Tam, Rana; Ceniro, Leslie, Jennifer, Esgalwen. Quite a number! Didn’t have room to fit in Silver, but we all know she wishes you a Merry Christmas too. Yes? Yes.

Jalril is just embarrassed at standing next to a girl. Who’s dating his brother. She thinks he’s funny. And cute. Tam is a cloooooowwwwn. X D Flairé is wearing his princely-type tunic which you haven’t seen before! It’s red. Continue reading

The Farseer

This picture can be found in the story chapter below, and is the last of the illustrations for the Pent story to date. I rather like this one; I had no reference for Pent but he came out rather well. This was the second picture I drew, so it’s a little out of order. In this picture, Ceniro is receiving a magical device designed to help him plot strategy. It’s like a GPS, sort of. I’m rather proud of the wilted flower by the waterbarrel. The stick thing that Pent has is his heal staff.

Fire Emblem: The Tactician and the Heiress

Strange people! Posing!

Strange people! Posing!

Fire Emblem: The Tactician and the Heiress

drawn Oct 11, ’09

posted Nov 11, ’09


The cover to Book 1 of my Fire Emblem 7: Rekka no Ken fanfiction. Not my best work, but it started out really sketchy, and then I got serious, and then I got bored. It’s kind of random, just some people posing. Not inspired like the other one. So it’s really only here as a concept. Blah. Lyn’s Legion, GO!

I’ll do a better job of this someday. Maybe. If I feel like it. ; )

As it is Remembrance Day, have some beautiful poetry. Continue reading

Images for A Lord’s Quest

Woot! This is my big dramatic cover for The Tactician and the Jewel, showing Ceniro valiantly vaulting over a rock, and his employer about to kick big fiery butt over on the right. And, of course, all the minor Player Characters around him with their names attached so I don’t forget who is who. A few of them you might know, if I drew them in greater detail! Some of my friends have already seen this. Apparently they like the horses. This is flattering.

…Actually you might know all of the PCs if I drew them in greater detail and you knew what my inspirations were. I’m only missing a couple of guys, like the shaman. He’s not at the part of the story this scene is from, which is a generic battle scene somewhere between chapters 4 and 5, I think? Continue reading

Rekka No Ken 2: Chapter 1: A Lord’s Quest

Vol. 1: The Tactician and the Heiress: Chapter 10: The Distant Plains      Chapter 2: Prize or Artefact?

Rekka no Ken: Vol. 2: The Tactician and the Jewel


Chapter 1: A Lord’s Quest

Ceniro shifted nervously in the cushioned wooden seat. He was waiting with six or seven other men and one woman in the antechamber to a lord’s study, waiting to have an interview with the lord to see if he could gain another temporary position as a tactician. The other people waiting were all much older than he was by a matter of decades, and all were richly dressed. And the place itself – it was furnished with dark, rich furniture in this wing, and footmen had escorted each applicant to the chamber and escorted those who had completed their interview to another room – or to the door, if they didn’t meet the lord’s preferences. The young tactician felt completely out of place and wished he could shrink to invisibility. Continue reading


So... many... people... I think I'm losing my mind...

So… many… people… I think I’m losing my mind…

I felt like drawing people this day (17 August), so I started with Link, on the previous page, but he turned out rather creepy so you don’t get to see him. I think I was trying to draw his eyes like I observed them in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Which are purdy purdy. Anyway, then I gave up on trying to be better and just drew same-old same-old anime style. I tried to draw Marth (top left) and failed, but then I drew him again (top right) and it turned out better. Though with a bit too much angst, I think. Then I drew Esgalwen, and she came out well, though she and Flaria are disappointingly similar. Then I drew Roy, and he’s not the greatest, but whatever. And then Sain and Salir, because I haven’t for a while! Then I finished off with good ol’ Ceniro. Not my best portrait of him either, but whatever.

Doodles, year 2, part 1

Some doodles from second year notebooks.


Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading

Lyn’s Legion

It's not a Gameboy. Honest.

It’s not a Gameboy. Honest.

Well! Here is Ceniro, and he’s just going to make me squeal with delight, because I always like it when he shows up. In this picture, he’s actually journeying with Eliwood, but Lyn took time out for ‘Lyn’s Legion’, the Original, to get together, so there’s Florina, the little figure on the left, Wil sitting between her and Lyn, Lyn waving her sword with rather long arms… and Kent and Sain, who are too far away to tell apart. And their loyal friendly tactician is sitting under a tree a short distance away, just enjoying the fact that they’re there again, and not even looking at his Gam- farseer. Seriously, it’s not a Gameboy. Really. It has buttons and stuff, but they’re not Gameboy buttons. Actually, the latest design has no buttons. I figured that would be beyond the imagination of medieval spellsmiths. It might have had levers, but its designer thought those would maybe catch on things and just generally be too unwieldy. So it has a purely magic interface. Now, at least.

Anyway, this picture is wholly uncanon, as Lyn would never steal the tactician very far away from the army when the world is in jeopardy. And Lyn’s Legion ought to include Erk, Serra, Matthew, Rath, Wallace, Nils, Ninian, and Lucius, regardless of the fact that they joined after Sain and Wil coined the title. So… this picture is not very realistic, but… Ceniro is my squeezy! Or something. (*Ceniro leaves hastily*) I wonder where he’s going. Probably afraid for his life. Oh well.

Yay background!