Tag Archives: Centriel

The Rifted Riders


A group picture of the Rifted Riders that I drew as a Christmas card for my fellow writers of Mintaka: Yllamse, Jenna, Gaby, and Miles.

Lavinia and Nieves the Red belong to Gaby.
Hrulash and Garekhen the Gold belong to me.
Jayce and Aeraganon the green-grey-brown-swampy-i-dun-even-know and Tiarc’rie the Mistress of Mischief belong to Yllamse.
Xanda and Nightwing the supposed-to-be-black and Midnight the mini-wyvern belong to Jenna.
Kali and Centriel the Purple belong to Miles.

A lot of hours (8? 10?) in Corel Painter 12. Making of video here! youtu.be/AV9sCEXtK5o

Friends Part 3


Continued from Part 1 and Part 2

No, Hrulash doesn’t get a break for now. But he doesn’t mind this way so much ifyouknowwhatimean. I think this would need toning down if it were part of the main story… It’s too developed. But it’s not part of the main story, so nyah.

Also this was scanned after I installed the proper software to scan things on my new computer, and… eh, it’s not very good quality. I will have to tweak a few things next time. Continue reading