Tag Archives: Dymunde

Evylyin Rouz and Dymunde

Farm-girl in the big city

Farm-girl in the big city

At about this time, Kevin discovered a rather nifty little TV series called Dragon Booster. The premise is that there are dragons and humans, and now-a-days, the humans control the dragons, and they’re all different colours (the dragons) and they used to be gold, and now they’re not except for one.

The hero’s dragon is gold, and that’s why he’s the hero. Now he has to learn how to be a hero instead of a teenager. Tall order, I’d say. And he has to stop the ‘dragon/human war’ that his father’s childhood rival is trying to start, and dodge his own rival in the bargain (who happens to be the son of his father’s rival…).

So this is my dragon rider, Evylyin Rouz, and the spelling is wonky because everyone has nutty names in that world. Well, since when is Mordred spelled Moordrydd? Oh, wait, I think I talked about this before. Just a little bit. Anyhow, Evylyin and Dymunde were coloured with markers. Not Crayola, but I forget what they’re called. She’s from a small town called Grenoble, and they’re a bit odd there compared to the Dragon City hot-shots. For instance, each dragon can only work in the field it is most suited for. Like white dragons work at the ski hill. And red work at forges. And blues fish.