D: It’s a comic page!
Tried something different from last time. Does it work better?
I don’t know why Eros looks better than Psyche in both his panels. Whoops. Guess I’ve been drawing too many pretty boys and not enough pretty girls.
Heehee! I get to draw Zephyr and his craaaayzay (blue) hair/clothes! For all of two pages. He’s waving his arms frantically in the last panel. …I think he’s a pretty funny guy (in the version that lives in my head, anyway). Also we’re already about half-way through this chapter.
NaNo begins Monday! Whoo! I only hope my buffer can stand up to it!
The sound effects for panel 3 are: “woogily woogily woogily”
I… need… more… endorphins! I’m on an emotional rollercoaster again! I wanna get ooooff!!
I’m writing emo poetry for the first time in two years! …No, you don’t get to see it!
Please, humans, can we just stop hurting each other in all these various ways? That’s all I want. World peace and cheerful co-existance. Is that too much to ask?
(I’d also like a house in a remote temperate-rainforest area with a German Baroque and/or Modern French pipe organ in it, while you’re at it.)