Happy Sunday to my bff : P
Tag Archives: Flaria
Sassy Flaria
For this picture, I listened to an hour straight of Caramelldansen and the two pop songs from Kiki’s Delivery Service. Don’t let Flaria say I never did anything for her.
Flaria: You know it inspired you to capture my sunny, winning personality. 🙂
True. Anyway, I messed around with a bit of a background. Not much, but hey the focus is on the pretty lady, huh?
Flaria: You bet it is! ;D
Also, I haven’t forgotten about the other pictures I’m going to draw. This is just the one that came out tonight. And I’m happy with it at the moment. I could have done more with her hair, I see now. But anyway.
Jayce and Flaria
Heheheheh. Inspired by Yllamse’s comment on the previous post. :3
Flaria and Tharash
So I got a comment on this picture of Flaria and Tharash, from Yllamse, saying “Do I even want to know? XD” so I thought I would answer that in rather too much detail. :3
Flaria’s been a Tharash fangirl for a while – somehow, he caught her eye, even with his ragamuffin scruffiness (generally she goes for clean boys…). Then she found out that he could use big impressive words to describe space and time and metaphysics and magic, which led to melodramatic swooning on her part. He, on the other hand, doesn’t know what to do with her since she clearly likes him (whut?) and isn’t afraid of him (and his potentially world-destroying powers) (wow!). She calls him ‘the adorascruffy voidmage!’ when she isn’t calling him ‘Tharash-dear’. Continue reading
Yay! Embarrassing-Tharash time! Just a quick scribble based on some things.
Flaria! The next one on the painting list I made a while ago… Not my best, but not too bad either. I mean, it resembles Flaria. I am starting to see small problems with it; I may tweak it later and re-upload it.
My dragon CD is in today! I shall go and pick it up. I shall also play some Ocarina, and visit the university, and practice Gershwin. And maybe paint another painting. Next on the list is Bayn. He’s always a tricky one, because he looks a lot like his uncle. I should upload the Lunaii dolls I’ve made recently, too.
Chibi chibi
Tweaks coming tomorrow. And additions.
Can YOU name everyone here?
Line 1: Adhemlenei, Zela’s family: Zela, Flaer, Flairé, Flaria, Menad, Marteth, Bayn, Gullac, and Mathaning
Line 2: Adhemlenei, others: Gyoriing, Muila, Layalin, Kylyralessa, Lyrestan, Tam, Jalril
Line 3: Zelda OCs: Rana and Raelle
Line 4: FE OCs: Ceniro, Salir, Anne
Line 5: Other: Esgalwen (in green???), Angel, Shell, Keesh, Rinako, Konane
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Memory
Leslie never forgot how that music made her feel – all excited and relaxed at the same time, as the songs grew more and more lyrical, peaceful, and happy. But she could never remember how it sounded. (falls asleep on chair…)
And music happens with some trite totally cliché’d voiceover narrator. The colouring went better this week, but I coloured in some of the wrong squares in the blanket so I had to fix it in Photoshop. Boring page, I know. But come Sunday for the shocking conclusion!
Flairé: The conclusion is shocking?
Yes! It is! Weren’t you there?
Flairé: I… yeah…
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Flairé Never Shuts Up
Flaria: And now, time for some music!
Flairé: Yeah!
Flairé: And I’ll need my pipe, and my… whistle? and those drums, and the guitar…
Flaria: wouldja shut up for two seconds together?
Ever get the feeling they’re siblings? LOL. So yeah, now they’re going to play some music. Not much else to say. Except that for some reason when I was inking my hand was sliding all over the place so there are some weird smudges everywhere and I’m not really happy with anyone’s face except for Flairé and Leslie’s in the bottom panel. And Flairé’s supposed to have a stool, but I forgot to draw it. Oh well. He’ll have one on Wednesday. Also, this page has answered a question that many people – me – were asking about Deerfleet – does Deerfleet have pants? The answer seems to be YES HE DOES. Mystery solved!
Omigosh, only two more pages left! These last days have just whizzed by. I’ll be done soon!
In other news, we have lost our dear, beloved conductor Janos Sandor, who just retired from 15 years of conducting the UVic and GVYO orchestras. He died of cancer on Friday. He was always cheerful and upbeat, and an amazing musician. Everyone loved him. We will miss him terribly.
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Gratuitious Nom
Leslie: I know… I should get more sleep at night.
Jen: You should! ; D Just teasing. We’ve been over this before. Anyway, maybe you can come here to unwind sometimes now! (Leslie: nod nod)
Flaria: If the frequency by which I’ve seen you and Esgalwen here is any indication, your nice friend will be here very often.
Flairé: You have to want to come, you know. Once you know the way, it’s easy, it seems.
Jen: That’s right!
Hey, it’s a page! I think I kind of overdid it with the warm comforting reds. : P And the walls are still mostly grey, so it… yeah. I can only assure you that it looks different in person.
So, yes. A page about people eating and talking about sleeping.