Tag Archives: HK-47

Kotor II: Ruin, Mystery, Dreams: Part 10 – Sniper Shot

Omg so stuck on this chapter. Trying to finish it by the end of the week because Voltron has eaten my life (SHIROOOOOOO) and while my best friend isn’t as wildly enamoured of it as I am, he said it makes him want to play SWTOR again so I am in favour of that because my hottie Sith Inquisitor has been neglected for a bit. Anyway, lots of copy-pasta here, but also ship ship ship.

I’m not sure I’m fully happy with this chapter as it is, so I may edit it tomorrow or the day after. I already added in a couple of edits to earlier chapters – notably, a little paragraph about Bao-Dur in chapter 5. (he’s good with kids, basically)

Also because Shiro is my new husbando (yes, already) I might start writing a fliffy fluffy ShOCmancefic. Oops. And I started a ‘Takashi’ Shepard. Dang, Vanguards are squishy in ME1.

Part 9


Part 10: Sniper Shot


He’d been right, shockingly – the first thing she did when she got back to the ship, after Mical finished fussing over her many half-healed injuries in the medbay, was sleep. Maybe her weirdness had only been from trying to maintain too much control when she was dead tired.

While she slept, he leaned casually into the doorway of the medbay. “What’s the final tally?”

Mical pushed reading glasses up his nose and brought his datapad around. “Immense. Twenty-three burns of varying sizes and degrees, including three right in the centre of her chest, one through her left arm, and a long one across her side. She’s also absorbed a large amount of energy; the scanner picked up abnormal readings from her internal organs. I’m not sure if it’s from the burns or the energy, but… Also, eleven contusions, mostly across her back and arms, and a concussion. All in various states of recovery; thank the Force she’s been healing herself the whole time or else I’m not sure she would have come back to us.” Continue reading

Kotor II: Ruin, Mystery, Dreams: Part 8 – The Mire

This chapter’s theme is Rise! <3

And it was extremely difficult to write. I may be losing steam even though the ideas are still there. : P

Part 7


Part 8: The Mire


One of the first ‘tasks’ given to her was to compete in the Mandalorian battle circle, a tournament competition that was basically the final step in their combat training.

They just wanted to see if they could beat the former Jedi. “The battle circle is only reserved for real warriors. Your Jedi tricks won’t help you here – not honourably, at least. Jedi rely too much on their vaunted powers. They lose touch with their hands and feet. Without your Force would you be even a match for the lowliest of Mandalorian warriors?”

Mical shuffled indignantly, but she raised a hand to calm him. “That doesn’t bother me. I accept.” Continue reading

Kotor II: Ruin, Mystery, Dreams: Part 6 – The Lost Jedi

More juicy stuff! Atton seems to be attempting to steal the story… I’m maybe almost getting used to writing him in third person instead of first. I spent a lot of time making sure the first half of this chapter was interesting, but then the second half gave me way too much trouble. Bring on the introspection, forget the action!

Atton’s barfight was scripted while listening to run rabbit junk. Swoop bike chase written with DMC’s Blue Rose.

Part 5


Part 6: The Lost Jedi


He went to bed with his head buzzing, fear and excitement warring within him. He’d told her, and she hadn’t killed him. She hadn’t even left the cockpit, or even her seat. No matter what he’d said to her, she’d taken it, and all she gave back was a second chance. A real second chance, the best one he’d ever been given. She really meant it, too. He knew she wasn’t going to take it back, but emotions faded slowly. So, he was still nervous about seeing her tomorrow.

If any of the others found out what he’d told her… Mical for one would probably murder him. Continue reading

Kotor II: Ruin, Mystery, Dreams: Part 5 – Running and Drinking

Lots of juicy stuff in this chapter, hope you’ve been looking forward to it as much as I have! I had to break Nar Shaddaa in half so there’s more to come next time.

Inspiration track for this chapter is Inner Universe.

Part 4


Part 5: Running and Drinking


Nar Shaddaa was filthy, packed and miserable. The crowds that trudged hopelessly through layer on layer of streets made it so easy for anyone to get shanked by anyone else. Refugees, former soldiers, thieves and thugs and Mandalorians staked out little empires, hiding amongst each other’s company, asking no questions and giving no answers. Glitbiters and spiceheads sprawled in doorways and alcoves, ignored even by the ignored. Enclosed by endless walls of skyscrapers, firmly under the thumb of the Hutts, a smoggy sky was all most of them could glimpse of a life beyond this place. The roads, coated in nameless substances, crunched and oozed beneath countless feet, and the very air felt like it was coated in desperate oil.

To Atton, it was the closest thing resembling home. Continue reading