Tag Archives: Kekeniro Lylyniro

FFXIV: The Knight and the Harpy

Been working hard on both Achiyo and Rinala’s MSQ in-game! Achiyo’s also almost level 50 so she can equip super-shiny PLD artifact gear! This chapter I just finished, so it may be subject to editing.

Alphie, don’t weight-shame the wind goddess >.>

Chapter 3: When Stars Go Out


Chapter 4: The Knight and the Harpy


The slain Scions had been buried, Noraxia’s body returned to her people. The timid, gentle man at the Church of Saint Adama Landama was revealed, by Alphinaud Leveilleur, to be named Cid Garlond – a Garlean engineer who had allied himself with the Eorzeans before the Calamity, or so Achiyo gathered from Chuchupa. Garlond was still recovering from his Calamity-induced amnesia, and still moved and spoke with uncertainty, almost as if in a dream, unless he discovered some mechanical puzzle to solve. Now they were off to the Northern Black Shroud to discover what had become of Cid’s marvelous lost airship, the Enterprise. Continue reading

FFXIV: Primal Dreams

I’ve written more than enough for a Chapter 2, so here you are.

I’ve been taking an extended break from this game because it is pretty much literally drugs to me, but I’m getting back into it cautiously, mostly with a project to record MSQ for my friend who can’t currently play the game but who I know would love it. I’m playing through as a Xaela she designed, over on Coeurl. It’s pretty quiet, there don’t seem to be any gold-sellers! : ) Continue reading