Well! Posting while trying to beat cheesecake batter (by hand, no mixer) is hard.
This chapter… huhhhhh… I hated writing the demon battle. Battles are hard for me. Everyone’s doing interesting things at once, except that the English language doesn’t have THAT many words to describe the sorts of repetitive actions I want to put down.
Also Illinia is a whiny emo brat. There, I said it. But yes, she does get a little OOC this chapter… I think I found a reason for it, but she’s… a bit odd in this one.
Back to slow character-driven psychological emotional descriptive stuff next chapter.
Hope the cheesecakes turn out. It was still a little lumpy when I put it in.
EDIT: The fight at the beginning is a bit better. Also added a line to the one at the end and a couple words here and there.