Tag Archives: Moff Pyron

The Devil’s Holiday Special

This is a little Christmas-themed one-shot about my Sith Inquisitor, Murlesson, who I previously wrote about in my massive Inquisitor-story-rewrite, Devil’s Due. This event was hinted at in the original epilogue of Devil’s Due; I ended up not keeping that epilogue, but the material in it I’m going to recycle later, as Murlesson/Aristheron/Akuliina fans may be interested to know that I’ve begun writing a sequel to DD called The Devil You Know. I will probably not publish anything for a long time as my writing process can be very time consuming (I started writing this holiday fic last April), I still haven’t played the game past Ilum, my ambitions for the story arcs are high, and my workload is as bad as ever, but hey some bits of the start of a draft exist (and even some snippets for a third fic to follow that!).

An important change: you may recall I had established Pyron’s family previously on Ziost. This was a mistake. I knew Ziost was important to the Empire, but I didn’t know it was the ice version of Korriban until I started writing this fic (back in last April, actually). : P And now that I’m determined to put them in a super normal North American-style suburb, that really doesn’t fit! How can you have a lovely cheesy special white Christmas Life Day if the entire planet is always cold? (suburbs are the city version of cancer but many people grew up with them, so I thought it would be neat to use them here.) But seriously, does the Empire have any nice planets?? (Besides Commenor and Kuat, apparently? Which in my stories I developed, not BioWare : P )

I keep putting Sith Lords in domestic situations because it’s funny. Hands up if you want a full-on coffeeshop AU where everyone’s still Sith? (Or a sequel to Something to Prove : P) (I’m kidding I don’t have time to write either of those)

EDIT: for more information on the pictures, check out my 2024 holiday season post!



A Sith Lord’s First Life Day

Darth Nox got out of the taxi cab and looked around at the houses surrounding him with an amount of trepidation that surprised even himself. For someone who was used to cities filled with skyscrapers, looming, impersonal, and seething with activity, he would have thought himself easily equal to this very simple environment. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 32: Battle of Wits

This one took a while… not only was the actual writing complicated and challenging (and I went for a round of beta-reading just to be sure it makes sense, which was the best idea), I had been working on my Halloween cosplay and playing the other four SWTOR routes that I didn’t play when I first tried the game five years ago. I’m pleasantly surprised, they were all pretty enjoyable. Warrior is still my favourite overall, but Bounty Hunter is up there with Smuggler for entertainment value. Meanwhile, I had to restart Agent three times in Act 1 though until I found a set of decisions that I was happy with. It’s just really not comfortable playing a hardcore KGB officer, you know? And it’s much more fun if you put on the Ghost in the Shell OST. Anyway, my personal tier list is probably: Consular < Trooper/Knight < Agent/Inquisitor < Bounty Hunter/Smuggler < Warrior.

That being said, I need a break from the game and its terrible awful no-fun gameplay. I do want to ask if it would be worth getting into… the entire rest of SWTOR, as I vaguely remember playing Ilum once four years ago and that’s as far as I’ve gone. And if it’s possible while still maintaining my stance of boycotting EA financially. But it’s going to be a while before I feel like slogging through more terrible boring pointless mob-infested maps, so don’t expect any sequels in the near future even if I do decide to play more. XD Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 24: Unnecessary Melodrama

I really need to stop listening to Disturbed; it seems like every new song I listen to (some of which I’ve listened to before tbh) fits Murlesson lol. Or maybe he should stop being such an angsty teenager?

But it didn’t stop me from using Enough as a fight song for this chapter!

Both Tharash and Yllamse were really helpful in helping me to hammer out the sequence of events here and getting them to fit with the emotional tones I was going for. Thank you!

P.S. It seems that Thanaton doesn’t actually make it to the Dark Council until you make it to Voss, not ‘shortly after you make it to Act 2’ as I had assumed. Pyron tells you about it after you get the CN-12 for him. Oh well, it changes literally nothing about the story to do it this way.

Edit: Changed Ziost to Commenor for reasons.

Part 23: Idealism and Cynicism


Part 24: Unnecessary Melodrama

Four days could not pass fast enough. Lord Cressinth, though she maintained her detached demeanour consistently, prowled through the fleet, not confining her observations to the Acrimonious. She was constantly fiddling with a datapad, not even looking up at her surroundings, yet all the crew gave her a wide berth in case she should suddenly show her temper. For all her show of indifference, she was not a fond friend of boredom, and several men ended up in medical for no reason other than that they were available to be a target. Fortunately, none of them were injured more badly than a broken arm. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 23: Idealism and Cynicism

This chapter was so long I decided to cut it in half. I know that makes this one a little bit short, and the next one’s still pretty long, but it doesn’t split well anywhere else. We’re almost ready to rock and roll, though.

EDIT: Changed Ziost to Commenor, it makes more sense in the long run.

Part 22: Virus


Part 23: Idealism and Cynicism

Kallig vanished off the ship at some point that day, and Pyron did not see or hear from him for eight days afterwards. He’d begun to feel abandoned – had the Sith decided the 44th wasn’t worth the effort? – but one evening he returned to his quarters to find the young man sitting in one of his chairs, reading one of his books. “My lord.” Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 22: Virus

I never liked how they just handed you a fleet in the game, and so late in the game, too. It always felt too easy and improbable. So… let’s go work for that fleet, guys! (I also didn’t like how Xalek joined the party late enough that he felt incredibly extraneous, so hi, creepy-pants, welcome to the team)

I hadn’t expected Pyron to take over the POV so thoroughly, but it works, so I’m happy! This story arc is actually really complicated, so I spent half the HDD-less break working on it lol. Probably too complicated to fit in a videogame, particularly an MMO? I hope it works for you! Continue reading