Veeery quick painting for the Wayrift Lunar contest; Lilkislinon (Flaria’s bf) and Shlaes (queen of the Dragonland) who are my two white-haired characters, all adjusted to be NPC bystanders or something! Continue reading
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Veeery quick painting for the Wayrift Lunar contest; Lilkislinon (Flaria’s bf) and Shlaes (queen of the Dragonland) who are my two white-haired characters, all adjusted to be NPC bystanders or something! Continue reading
Reverse silhouette?
This is based on a really strange dream I had once. There was an old man with long hair, but he turned into a very beautiful young man still with silver-white hair, and I followed him up some moonlit stairs. So when I woke up, I thought: “He would make a fantastic boyfriend for Flaria!” So I drew him and her together at the top of the same stairs.
Hey! It’s a kiss that isn’t quite as lame as any of the others!