This fall (2017) I was asked to take part in a music video for a singer’s personal project. This is the result.
P.S. Maggie
This fall (2017) I was asked to take part in a music video for a singer’s personal project. This is the result.
P.S. Maggie
Okay so I got obsessed with Michael Jackson and how he writes awesome songs and he can dance like no one else on the planet and his sexy little butt and his cute adorable face (pre-facelifts more so) and then GULLAC got wind of it and now he WON’T STOP DANCING and he made me try to draw him like 6 times over the weekend and this was the only attempt that worked out even remotely. *deep breath* Continue reading
Hey guys! If you want to hear the recital in decent audio quality, click *HERE*.
Okay, I saw this on the True Magic art blog and had to fill it in. Continue reading
Wheeeeee! (that’s not in the song)
This is Gullac (obviously), singing, while hanging from the bowsprit of an elven ship. Not so happy with it, but it gets the gist across. This picture was inspired by the song La Plus Jolie Maitresse by Norouet, and I have no idea what the words mean in the rest of the song besides the title, but it’s really pretty.
Leslie never forgot how that music made her feel – all excited and relaxed at the same time, as the songs grew more and more lyrical, peaceful, and happy. But she could never remember how it sounded. (falls asleep on chair…)
And music happens with some trite totally cliché’d voiceover narrator. The colouring went better this week, but I coloured in some of the wrong squares in the blanket so I had to fix it in Photoshop. Boring page, I know. But come Sunday for the shocking conclusion!
Flairé: The conclusion is shocking?
Yes! It is! Weren’t you there?
Flairé: I… yeah…
Flaria: And now, time for some music!
Flairé: Yeah!
Flairé: And I’ll need my pipe, and my… whistle? and those drums, and the guitar…
Flaria: wouldja shut up for two seconds together?
Ever get the feeling they’re siblings? LOL. So yeah, now they’re going to play some music. Not much else to say. Except that for some reason when I was inking my hand was sliding all over the place so there are some weird smudges everywhere and I’m not really happy with anyone’s face except for Flairé and Leslie’s in the bottom panel. And Flairé’s supposed to have a stool, but I forgot to draw it. Oh well. He’ll have one on Wednesday. Also, this page has answered a question that many people – me – were asking about Deerfleet – does Deerfleet have pants? The answer seems to be YES HE DOES. Mystery solved!
Omigosh, only two more pages left! These last days have just whizzed by. I’ll be done soon!
In other news, we have lost our dear, beloved conductor Janos Sandor, who just retired from 15 years of conducting the UVic and GVYO orchestras. He died of cancer on Friday. He was always cheerful and upbeat, and an amazing musician. Everyone loved him. We will miss him terribly.
Playing on a half size… you’re doing it pretty good…?
And this is Hollas, violinist virtuoso and composer extraordinare, as I saw him at one of the violin class recitals, I think. His hair was shiny and made me want to draw it. But I drew his violin much much too small and never got around to fixing it (hence the arrow that says ‘fix’). I drew the piano in the background, but it was too distracting so I removed it again. And it doesn’t really look like Hollas because I didn’t actually use a real-life reference. But it’s supposed to be Hollas.
Did I say that Kim has a fantastic cute haircut? Kim has a fantastic cute haircut.
It can’t be Yasashisani. That’s too cute for this picture.
So this is Flairé and Flaria, playing their crazy-shaped kalmaeirin guitars somewhere in their home which is full of archways and pillars and little benches and wierd little windows onto the next corridor over. o_O A-yup. I really like how this picture came out, especially Flaria’s dress. And the hair and faces and guitars aren’t too bad. I also like Flairé’s jacket.
Found a fan translation of a Dragon of Darkness/Sword of Light manga. I feel bad reading it on the internet, because the (very good) artist went to a lot of trouble to make it and I’m not giving anything in return, but it’s MARTH and I can’t resist. I shall need to see if I can buy it somewhere, even in its original Japanese form. I’ll just put in sticky notes with the translation or something. : D I also want the Ocarina of Time manga, for some reason. And definitely the Oracle of Ages/Seasons manga…
Finished Chapter 8 of The Tactician and the Jewel! Will start on Chapter 9 later today but the framework is so bare I will have to spend a little extra time on this one as I’m not sure what happens at all. I don’t even know if the showdown occurs this chapter or the next chapter. Maybe it should be both. Hmmm. …Ceniro rules! : D
Anything else? …Not really. Onwards!
Tsusamari tamaraaaaa~
Chibi Flairé and Flaria! Eeee!
I originally drew Flaria’s guitar backwards.
Not terribly good even for chibis, but good heads, maybe.
They’re singing that second Kiki song from the Studio Ghibli CD. The one with the acoustic guitars. The one that doesn’t sound vaguely like the Beach Boys. I have no idea what it means, but it sounds dancible. ^_^