Tag Archives: Rifted Riders

Pandora no Yoru


Title has nothing to do with Corpse Party, sorry CP fans. Nothing at all, only the human in the picture really likes Artery Vein. Have a listen to the song, it’s fantastic.
Hrulash: I’ve been waiting my whole life for this song, let me have it!
…yeah, he’s been like that for a few days.
Anyway, looky, looky, I painted a dragon that I can be reasonably happy with! It still needs a few tweaks – more straps on the saddle (how is Hrulash staying in his seat?) – maybe Hru should have a sword, maybe a cloak or a pack, maybe Gary could use a lot more work especially around the wings, and the sky is a bit rough.
However, I’m impatient, so here’s a pretty mostly-finished picture of Hrulash and Gary charging into… battle? Pandora no Yoru sounds pretty badass. It’s probably a battle. Continue reading