Tag Archives: Tam

FFXIV: Business As Usual

Chugging away on this, hoping to get up to HW by the end of the month. Of course, that means first getting through Bahamut (synced! if possible!) and Crystal Tower (will be tricky to fit in all my planned cameos).

Rinala and F’lhaminn kind of ran away with my imagination here, which I think is really sweet.

Chapter 7: Once a Hero


Chapter 8: Business As Usual

“Ul’dah is our home, Alphinaud!” Minfilia protested vehemently. “To cast aside everything we have built and start anew in that desolate wasteland would be beyond reckless!”

“Oi,” Tam said. “Mor Dhona isn’t a wasteland.” Continue reading

FFXIV: Once a Hero

To write this chapter, I took Achiyo (level 52 PLD) and rounded up a party finder of folks willing to fight Coils 1-5 synced to level 50. Twintania took a couple days to beat, and when we did, it felt awesome!! It’s a lot harder than my writing implies… But the chapter was tending to the long anyway, and Twin isn’t really worth the epic writing, not compared to Phoenix and Bahamut will be.

Starting to feel like writing Voltron fic, stand by. : P

EDIT: I was never happy with Chuchupa’s little bit, or her backstory; I’m still not totally sure what it is, but it’s not what I had here before. I also added a bit for Vivienne, because her brother has thus far not made a single appearance and she seems kind of distant from him, like he’s not necessary to her story. Which means he probably isn’t, which I would like to fix.

Chapter 6: For the Light


Chapter 7: Once a Hero

Rinala had passed out from exhaustion not long after they had escaped the Castrum, and she did not hear much else until about eight hours later, when she woke to find herself in a tent with the sun smiling down outside. Someone had dressed her in clean clothes, and someone – probably one of her Scion friends – had even got out her Thancred plush and laid it in her arms while she slept. She squeezed it happily, sleepily, then decided she should probably get up, she was ravenous. Continue reading

FFXIV: For the Light

After half a dozen+ fight scenes, this ridiculous thing is over.

…For Season 1. Next up, Bahamut… synced… ilvl120… uh-oh…

And yes, I know Rinala cheated a tiny bit in two of the fights; it’s for character development, okay? XD

Started a new SWTOR Imp Agent, what? (I hear it’s good, though. I wonder if I should keep slogging through the other storylines that I haven’t finished, either? Maybe one at a time?)

Chapter 5: Lies of the Free


Chapter 6: For the Light

Cid, as it turned out, did not wait remain behind with the main host after they’d been briefed on Phase Three of Operation Archon, but commandeered a random Reaper – this one in better kept condition than Maggie and Wally had been in when they acquired them – and joined them in their daring, near-suicidal assault on Castrum Meridianum. The good news was that yet again, the Grand Companies were making the distraction – a frontal assault on the main gate of the castrum, while the nine Scions smashed through a different gate and began breaking things in their quest to shut down the magitek field around the inner Praetorium. Continue reading

FFXIV: Lies of the Free

I don’t know why the boss battle took me so long to write! But my head’s been swirling with story ideas… for literally every story I have on the go, and even some I haven’t started yet. I’m getting pretty into the idea of continuing the SWTOR Inquisitor story for a bit, but I want to finish FFXIV Season 1 first. Only one more chapter for that, I think!

My mini-raid group has been trying Alex Savage, we’ve gotten through the first two levels with just the four of us unsynced. Cool! We’re going to be running Gordias 4 so that I can get the DRK sword, and then a lot of Creator because our BRD wants the PLD set and the WHM staff. All for glam, of course.

Chapter 4: The Knight and the Harpy


Chapter 5: Lies of the Free


The Waking Sands was as dark and quiet as they had left it, and Tam lit his little lantern that they might not trip over the debris still scattered about. The bodies were gone, of course, but no one had been in since. Though the floor was oddly clean… had someone been in to scrub away the blood, without tidying up anything else? Continue reading

FFXIV: The Knight and the Harpy

Been working hard on both Achiyo and Rinala’s MSQ in-game! Achiyo’s also almost level 50 so she can equip super-shiny PLD artifact gear! This chapter I just finished, so it may be subject to editing.

Alphie, don’t weight-shame the wind goddess >.>

Chapter 3: When Stars Go Out


Chapter 4: The Knight and the Harpy


The slain Scions had been buried, Noraxia’s body returned to her people. The timid, gentle man at the Church of Saint Adama Landama was revealed, by Alphinaud Leveilleur, to be named Cid Garlond – a Garlean engineer who had allied himself with the Eorzeans before the Calamity, or so Achiyo gathered from Chuchupa. Garlond was still recovering from his Calamity-induced amnesia, and still moved and spoke with uncertainty, almost as if in a dream, unless he discovered some mechanical puzzle to solve. Now they were off to the Northern Black Shroud to discover what had become of Cid’s marvelous lost airship, the Enterprise. Continue reading

FFXIV: When Stars Go Out

I’m back into FFXIV to such an extent that I have time to work on Achiyo, who’s my fanfic alt – I only play her when I’m working on the fanfic! Tam’s DRK is up to level 64, which is getting pretty high!  I’m going to need to make one for the seasonal event going on right now, though. Little Ladies Day is basically for White Day, isn’t it? Continue reading

FFXIV: Primal Dreams

I’ve written more than enough for a Chapter 2, so here you are.

I’ve been taking an extended break from this game because it is pretty much literally drugs to me, but I’m getting back into it cautiously, mostly with a project to record MSQ for my friend who can’t currently play the game but who I know would love it. I’m playing through as a Xaela she designed, over on Coeurl. It’s pretty quiet, there don’t seem to be any gold-sellers! : ) Continue reading

FFXIV: The Cusp of Greater Things

So this game has eaten my life for the last 4 months or so, and I only just beat the final story boss of Stormblood last weekend with my DRG main. I currently have a full 8-man party in my head causing trouble, so what else could I do but write about them?

This fanfic assumes you already know what’s going on in the game because if I write a COMPLETE fic, it will take literally FOREVER. This chapter takes us up to the brink of Sastasha. Continue reading

Flairé and Tam


Tam is such a huge weirdo. Flairé thinks it’s great. And that’s why Tam hangs out with him and they are such good friends.

Tam: \m/
Flairé: : )

Getting back into visual art after all that Dragon Age writing. This image has been in my head for at least a year, so I’m glad to get it out, and hey, despite not being in practice, they both look like themselves! Especially Tam, who in the past has been a huge pain in the butt to look consistent – and properly cool. : P