Tag Archives: The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: It Will Be Dangerous.
Hi! I haven’t even started the page yet, and I’m watching a Jackie Chan movie (Drunken Master I), and I’m going to the Vox Humana choir concert today, and I need to put piano first. BUT it will be up before tomorrow. Huzzah!
EDIT 1: And it’s up, but only in b/w. Will fix when I have time. Tomorrow night, maybe.
EDIT 2: And the colour version is up! Only five days late! -_-7
Pretty happy with Organist in the bottom left panel, though. Doesn’t really look like him but it looks human, so I’m happy. (And I changed the shading style AGAIN.)
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Can I Help?
Oh hei, it’s a new page. Despite the problem mentioned last week not being really resolved, I can’t stay serious forever. I really want to do this project, so unless I get an email telling me to stick my head in a bucket, I’m gonna keep plowing on.
I think Flairé in panel 3 is pretty. : ) He’s kind of sad, but pretty too. (But no more bare shoulders. XD )
Technical Difficulties
Oops! Due to strange circumstances, there is no page this week. However, Eros and Psyche will be continuing as normal because I have a buffer and blah blah blah.
Flairé was not (badly) harmed in the making of this page. Panel. Thing. …He’ll recover. Eventually. And Math and Gullac are taking care of him.
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: We’re Not Really Sure.
Even more sloppy colouring than last week, but Michael’s hair is at least the right colour now. (headdesk) That was embarrassing. Not that anyone noticed. <_< >_>
Yeah, I don’t know. There’s no plausible explanation for these scenarios. They’re just fun. *coughcoughAWIZARDDIDITcoughcough* : D
OMIGOSH Flairé’s head shrunk! Also he’s not as hot as last week. Oh well. Enjoy it while you can, coz the shirt goes back on next week! (pats shoulderblades)
Flairé: (*jumps*)
Sorry, buddy. Couldn’t resist. XD
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: What Are You Doing In My Room?
Heehee, and we’re off! Enjoy the fanservice (such as it is) while it lasts because it might be a few months before you get any more. ; ) This page did not take as long as I feared it would. But I did a hack job on the colouring. Whatever.
Yes, Flairé does realize he’s asking a rather difficult thing of Michael, not to pop up when either of them would be scared witless.
But Flairé still has some of his wits. Oh, he’s never completely witless. XD
He was pretty mad when he found out I was actually going to draw this part. He was all like “srsly? nuu!” and I was like “well, that’s how you told it!” and he was like “but I told you it because it was funny for you, not so it could be funny for the internetz!” and I was like “too bad, hon!” and he was like “aww.” And then we were friends again. : D
…He doesn’t like being seen with no shirt. At all. Even though imo he is hot. He’s just… very very modest.
Also, I’m really sorry to Michael for drawing him with elastic arms. (sigh) I think I’ll fix that. EDIT: fixed. 😕 Sort of.
Add handshakes to the list of things I can’t draw.
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé
Whee! New project #2! Click for large version!
I’m going with a cell-shaded look because I think once I get the hang of it, it will be faster than the painterly look, like what I used in the angel picture or the Ceniro at Sunset picture. Although it was a pain colouring that mountain, I’ll tell you that. I have no idea what I’m doing and for the random wolf I used no reference.
Oh yeah, so the people on the left… I should just tell you they are not to scale with the people to the right. Organist is only as tall as I am, so it’s natural that Flairé should tower over him, but the girl with the blonde/purple hair should be at least 6’6″ and she doesn’t look that. But they are not to scale because they are not as important. : )
Is the pink arrow okay? I thought it added some much needed incongruity to the scene. Also Flairé probably should be holding a pink marker but I thought that would be over the top.
Organist may not look an awful lot like Organist yet, but I have… 71 pages to try and get that right THIS EPISODE. Then there’s the next episode.
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures will update every Sunday as long as I have pages! Probably late Sunday night… try Monday mornings if you’re lazy and want to be safe.
And check back tomorrow for something nearly as cool, imo.
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Waking Up
Leslie: Was it a dream? I could have sworn I fell asleep in the practice room… Look, there’s my backpack and my music books, and my keys…
She goes to look out the window of her dorm, and then turns away to her computer (Faceborg!! j/k). But a mysterious smile still hangs in the reflections in the window…
THE LASTEST PAGE!! I’m actually feeling a little bit sad that I don’t have to do it anymore. The weekly scramble to draw and colour pages on Sunday… continuing a story I don’t even know if anyone reads or cares about or finds interesting… but that’s okay! A new story MIGHT start in September! Anyway, I’ve been told by other artists this is completely normal. And in fact I’m not that sad. It’s nice to finish something! I have a lot of things I want to finish!
The next thing I am planning to finish is Ephraim’s Story. So perhaps you will see some chapters of that going up. I have to be careful because I have Provincials to practice for. And after that organ to practice like crazy.
Also I have completely fallen in love (again) with Eric Beaudry’s voice. I’d marry that voice. srsly.
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Memory
Leslie never forgot how that music made her feel – all excited and relaxed at the same time, as the songs grew more and more lyrical, peaceful, and happy. But she could never remember how it sounded. (falls asleep on chair…)
And music happens with some trite totally cliché’d voiceover narrator. The colouring went better this week, but I coloured in some of the wrong squares in the blanket so I had to fix it in Photoshop. Boring page, I know. But come Sunday for the shocking conclusion!
Flairé: The conclusion is shocking?
Yes! It is! Weren’t you there?
Flairé: I… yeah…
The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Flairé Never Shuts Up
Flaria: And now, time for some music!
Flairé: Yeah!
Flairé: And I’ll need my pipe, and my… whistle? and those drums, and the guitar…
Flaria: wouldja shut up for two seconds together?
Ever get the feeling they’re siblings? LOL. So yeah, now they’re going to play some music. Not much else to say. Except that for some reason when I was inking my hand was sliding all over the place so there are some weird smudges everywhere and I’m not really happy with anyone’s face except for Flairé and Leslie’s in the bottom panel. And Flairé’s supposed to have a stool, but I forgot to draw it. Oh well. He’ll have one on Wednesday. Also, this page has answered a question that many people – me – were asking about Deerfleet – does Deerfleet have pants? The answer seems to be YES HE DOES. Mystery solved!
Omigosh, only two more pages left! These last days have just whizzed by. I’ll be done soon!
In other news, we have lost our dear, beloved conductor Janos Sandor, who just retired from 15 years of conducting the UVic and GVYO orchestras. He died of cancer on Friday. He was always cheerful and upbeat, and an amazing musician. Everyone loved him. We will miss him terribly.