After the events of the previous post, we got back on Friday night from our trip all over the BC mainland, and the rest of the trip was almost entirely on Vancouver Island. Saturday we just spent relaxing, I think we made Japanese-curry-in-a-box for dinner. Played some videogames (Tales of Arise is very on my to-play list!). Caught up with internet friends. I don’t remember what else right now, so it must have been properly chill. I think we went to buy beer? Tharash wanted to check out the local breweries so we bought three cans at the liquor store. Tharash picked two based on recommendations from the store worker, and I picked one based entirely on the label art which was pretty. We split all of them and drank one a day.
Sunday was a big day, we went whale watching! So we walked down to Fisherman’s Wharf, saw the houseboats and all the brightly painted unique designs, and got on our tour boat along with a large group of teenagers from… I think it was Brazil? A lot of them weren’t dressed for cold sea air, so I hope they were okay. The first part was spent just getting out away from shore, and the boat went very fast. When it slowed down again, somewhere halfway to Port Angeles, we were invited up to the bridge along with the only other two people who weren’t with the teenage tour group. We saw orcas from up there! The whale watching tours all talk to each other about where the animals are, and there are laws against getting closer than 200m, so there was a ring of boats around the whales, who were just chilling out – they didn’t breach or anything. It was also interesting for me to see the Olympic Mountains more close than normal. Unfortunately, after a little time up there, I started to feel seasick. The crew had some nice ginger chewy candies, and I had my water, but it didn’t stop me from actually being seasick off the back. I spent most of the rest of the trip half-napping on the back benches to avoid feeling any more sick. Tharash didn’t get sick at all because he is much more used to being on the water, and he had a very good time with his camera. Continue reading →