Tag Archives: Warhammer comic

Warhammer comic page 10


So. Um. Elfin is cute! Though his horse is a little small.

Flairé: You lost the battle, didn’t you.

Yeah, I think so. But I managed to twist it into a moral victory. Or something. I have the idea I was going to continue it, but I didn’t get around to it. And so I don’t remember what happened after that last frame, if anything.

Still plugging away at Chapter 7 of The Tactician and the Jewel. The opening is starting to take shape. Not sure how to get into the action yet, though I have some good ideas for the action itself.

Warhammer comic page 8


The ‘two-page spread’? The Bret general charges my general, drawn on two separate sheets of paper and clumsily joined in Paint because I have no Photoshop. Oh well. You can tell what’s going on, can’t you? There’s not much else behind the Bret lord. Just his horse’s tail. So you’re not missing anything. If you really think you are, save the picture and have another look. …unless you have larger screen resolution than I do (1280×800) and then it doesn’t matter. I think there was supposed to be dialogue, too, but I have no idea what it was. Looks like blue-eyes got his helmet knocked off pretty quickly, though. I guess that means he’ll fit ‘Penlod’ in my spearmen a bit better.

Check back tomorrow to see what that last scout from the page before last is doing! 😛

Warhammer comic page 7


So. Yeah. The Silver Helms charge and the men-at-arms run away. Surprising, that. There are five of them, I just didn’t draw two because they wouldn’t fit on my silly road. That isn’t runes on Elfin’s sword, either – it’s blood. I wonder if I actually killed some guys or if they just ran away. I wouldn’t be surprised. : P

And yeah, mages are magey… not much to say there. Damsel’s head is squished. Not a very interesting page. Sorry. Next page is even less interesting!

Check back tomorrow to see what the blue-eyed commander has been up to! : P

I keep playing games against my brother and losing. It’s a little annoying, except when the battles are short. Also I draw faces all the same, which is even more annoying because it seems to take a lot of effort just to get them looking good and all the same. It must be even harder to get them looking right and all different! Whoa… mind-bender. But I drew a lot of faces yesterday, and I’m happy with most of them aside from the ‘all looking the same’ thing.

I’m still addicted to writing my story TTatJ, although it has hit sort of a brick wall in terms of imagination… I keep hammering at the last scenes in Chapter 5 but they all sound stupid. OH WELL CHAPTER 6 HERE I COME. Let’s see if anyone gets killed yet! …Btw, anybody want to volunteer as proofreaders? To give me comments and critique and suggestions on how to make it less stupid? Hey, it has an original plot and 80% original characters!

Warhammer comic page 6


Yeah. One survivor. One scout made it through the Bretonnian phase. Fabulous. Not much you can do with one scout, even with their Ballistic Skill of 4. And yeah, I am terrible at drawing cornfields. Not sure why the crow died in panel one as well as its victim. The building-y thing is that blue-roofed barn that pops up in a lot of Warhammer things, though I think I fancied it up for purposes of this picture. Let’s see if I can find it.

Here it is.

Check back tomorrow to find out… what happens in the next turn. Exciting, I know. But it has a picture of the mage!

Warhammer page 5


And so my brand new Shadow Warrior scouts who are more than half LotR models were discovered, and immediately became the target of all ranged Bretonnian attacks. I was trying to get the Bretonnian damsel to look psychotic in the second frame and sexy-evil in the last frame, but it didn’t work too well. And there’s supposed to be a ton more corn in the first panel. The Bret soldier doesn’t look too bad, actually. All the elves have short legs, though.

Check back tomorrow to see how many casualties I had! (hint – I think I started with 9 Shadow Warriors)

Warhammer comic page 4


This page finally cuts back to Falamir and his mysterious sense of sight, informing his captain Elfin of what he saw (Elfin is so cute!). Then the Bretonnian Men-at-arms hiding in the ‘cornfield’ wised up to it too. The Bretonnian damsel cast the crow spell, that has flocks of crows attack a unit, but the only one even hit was Silros and as you can see it just bounced comically off his helmet. Then my mage cast Uranon’s Thundebolt on the charging knights, which did a little better. …I need to draw you a map to show what the battlefield looked like. Drat.

Check back tomorrow to see the villainess for the first time!

Warhammer comic page 3


This page was just an excuse to draw Elfin, really. As you may have noticed, he’s really handsome. So, other than that, it… doesn’t do anything. Sorry. I meant it to introduce the units, and give Teraluin some more character, but in the end it was pretty useless… oh wait, Falamir sees something. That’s really important! Remember that! Except then there’s a rather pointless cut to the blue-eyed commander and Falamir’s helmet changes design between panels. Oh, whatever.

I think this may have been the first battle my spearmen took part in.

Check back tomorrow to see if Falamir’s helmet changes anymore! Also to see what he saw, if anything!

Warhammer comic page 2


 This was a true scenario, up to a point… I’m not sure what the original circumstances were, but I do remember quite clearly that my mage (here given the name Linyo which means ‘pool’, and whom I do not have a model that resembles these images to represent him – I just drew a generic mage for the comic. I don’t even remember which model I used. It was three years ago, okay?) really really wanted that Jewel of the Dusk, which is only 15 points and gives him an extra power die to cast spells with. The Starwood Staff, on the other hand, gives him +1 to the result of his roll, though if he rolls double 1s the spell still backfires. I got really lazy on the second panel, but I spent all my creativity making the silly chibi unhappy Linyo and the resigned Teraluin.

Flairé: Teraluin looks like me, just blonde and blue eyed.

Good call. There might actually be a reason for that.

Flairé: Really? Besides the fact that I’m the basic reference for your basic male elf?

No, that would be it.

Check back tomorrow to see if these goofy guys ever get underway and out to that battlefield!

Warhammer comic page 1


Warhammer comic page 1

drawn July 2/3, 2006

posted Aug 13, 2009


turmith2icon This is a short (10-page) comic I drew based on a Warhammer battle between my High Elves and my brother’s Bretonnians. The guy on the right is my famed “Blue-eyed Commander”, here given the name Teraluin, which means “Straight-blue”. The guy on the left is his “Green-eyed Second”, here given the name Elehtyar, meaning “Star-spearman”. These are not ‘canon’ names, just names I gave to them for the sake of them being able to speak to each other normally. I drew these two frames on separate pieces of paper, so as to get greater detail. Which I didn’t because I was lazy. But they did come out slightly better than if I had done it all on one piece of paper. I was intending to colour the backgrounds. Tuesday night I just scanned them all and then yesterday I pasted them together and added text. I don’t have Photoshop on my laptop, so getting it not to look horribly shoddy was a bit of a challenge. Next, y’know, I need Photoshop and an art tablet and then I’ll be unstoppable.

Check back tomorrow for the continuation of this thrilling set-up! : P