Tag Archives: Yotsuyu

Ambassador of Ishgard

I was reading Kyota Ko’s Japanese Folktales books and also listening to a ton of Joe Hisaishi (Studio Ghibli’s composer) soundtracks and then my friend and I rewatched Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind and then I read Spirited Away fanfics for 10 hours straight and it all made me want to write a Japanese-themed fairytale. So I did. Immediately. Abandoning all my other creative commitments.

This fairytale is set in the FFXIV world so I don’t have to do too much world-building/character-building, but it’s set in an AU. Don’t think too hard about it, it’s a fairytale. It features several of my WoL from my main fic, For Love and Life, but you don’t have to read a single word of that for this fic because this fic is in an alternate reality in which the Dragonsong War was somehow resolved in the recent past without the WoL, and Hingashi is currently entering something of a Meiji period in which outsiders are permitted entry. Which is why a couple of my characters who are not from Hingashi (Chuchupa is from Limsa, R’nyath from Gridania) are portrayed as being from Hingashi for purposes of this fic.

Achiyo, my main WoL, has always had Ashitaka’s Theme for her theme song, but lately I’ve been feeling like Nausicäa’s OST would work for her as well, and specifically for this fic Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away OSTs were very inspiring (shout out to The Rain too). Maybe some Inuyasha inspired me too? Idk, I just like the idea of the Japanese wilderness completely infested with supernatural beings and animism. (They’re not the only culture to have this, obviously, but they’re the ones I’ve been reading about so that’s what we’re doing today)

Since this is mostly a romance, I really wasn’t expecting this story to have as much horror element as it did? Japanese horror is inspiring but I didn’t think I’d have that much of it? Arachnophobes should probably skip this one. Or at least, stop reading after the bit about flowers.

I hope it’s entertaining!
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FFXIV: The Ruby Sea

Love the Ruby Sea night music, Westward Tide : )

Been hard at work on my Vivienne cosplay again – I’ve just about completed a pair of Abyss gauntlets! Next up, Abyss sollerets… wish me luck… T_T

I’ve also been reading the books written by Kyota Ko and they’re fascinating! And paint a pretty grim picture of normal peoples’ lives. In our peaceful modern day, Yotsuyu’s actions seem outrageous, but when you read about thousands of historical people dying in (for instance) revenge plots, or to pre-empt revenge plots, she actually seems pretty tame. But I don’t think we could stomach too much real life in this romantic fairy tale, mixed with real heartfelt emotion though it is, so I’m not changing the plot or anything.

Chapter 52: Going Home


Chapter 53: The Ruby Sea

‘Safe’ in the offices of the East Aldenard Trading Company, Hancock explained the situation: no one would find easy passage to Doma at this time. Things were not as Achiyo had left them. The Ruby Sea was controlled by a group known as the Confederacy, and she vaguely remembered them; the merchants she had sailed with before had paid them a toll, the Ruby Tithe, to cross the straits. She did not remember much more, for it had not been her business, and was glad Hancock could explain things in full. Continue reading