Tag Archives: Yugiri

FFXIV: The Land of Dead Hope

Kurenai and Hisui are the Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley of FFXIV teehee

I’ve been arranging FFXIV soundtracks for piano. If you wanna see, search for my username on MuseScore.

Chapter 54: The Ruby Depths


Chapter 55: Land of Dead Hope

The Scions did not leave the Ruby Sea immediately. While Achiyo, Gosetsu, Kekeniro, and Lyse conferred on their next course of action, R’nyath led some of the other Scions back beneath the waves to Sui-no-Sato, even though he wasn’t really a fan of having a wet tail. First of all, they needed to thank Yugiri’s parents properly for their help, and he’d gotten Achiyo’s approval for it. He had even bought some gifts for them off the Confederates, delicacies from Kugane – probably stolen, but… who was to say at this point? Secondly, R’nyath smelled problems that they could help with, Shiosai definitely had some secret stress hanging over him. All his years of adventuring experience told him so. Continue reading

FFXIV: The Battle in the Sky

I feel like Nero’s English VA isn’t smug enough. He needs to sound punchable. His dialogue shows him to be at least purporting to be utterly full of himself, and I feel the VA plays it a bit flat; he sounds almost normal despite the dramatic dialogue. BRING ME SASS

Chapter 47: The Edge of Gyr Abania


Chapter 48: The Battle in the Sky

Achiyo, Kekeniro, Vivienne, Alphinaud, and Alisaie were the last to arrive at the council at the Lotus Stand. Besides the four Alliance leaders and their retinues, Cid and Yugiri were there. Alisaie did not actually have to be there, but Achiyo guessed she was curious enough to put up with politics. Continue reading

FFXIV: The Deep Dark Green

Big chapter again! Some focus on some other WoL who don’t normally get spotlighted, today. And two more primals down! Achiyo can almost get her Kirin that she’s going to ride until she can get the HoH horse. I got her the fire pony, but Garuda’s been stubborn and refusing to drop anything. I have to wait until more of my friends are back from vacation and can carry me through unsynced nonsense.

It would help if my cat would let me sleep at night >:I

Chapter 9: Shinobi


Chapter 10: The Deep Dark Green

Tam approached Thancred, who was doing that thing again. “Her soft features belie a strong will and quick wit. Aye, this Doman maiden would be-”

This time, he seemed to sense Tam’s presence, and abruptly turned to see him, arms still crossed. “Tam, I think we may need to have a chat about your habit of sneaking up on people.”

Tam raised an eyebrow at him. “Kalma. Habit. And I find your reactions amusing.”

Thancred covered half his face with a hand. “I’m glad you are entertained, my friend.” Continue reading

FFXIV: Shinobi

Oh boy, a new chapter? Kekeniro gets some PoV time here, and was quite forthcoming about his backstory. Nice. He’ll probably have another go at PoV during T13. Took me a while to write T9, however, and I have not yet tried to attempt it synced. Maybe over holiday break. Except I’ve been grinding hunts and trying to finish my second Anima weapon. Also I have ended up with 5/6 ARR ponies, mostly by chance, but Ramuh won’t give me a thunder-pony and I’ve been punching him in the beard at least once a day for the last week.

EDIT: Nael always seemed strangely convoluted to me, and when my friend read out Nael’s entry in the lorebook, revealing that Nael was a woman all along, who took the place of her dead brother, I was terribly confused. Haillenarte on tumblr did a translation of the relevant bits and now that I’ve found them, they’ve helped a lot! So I’m kind of keeping that Nael was masquerading as her brother still, hence Alisaie saying ‘him’ in the first cutscene, but Nael no longer has a reason to pretend to be her brother, so after they find out Nael’s a woman, I switch the pronouns.

Chapter 8: Business As Usual


Chapter 9: Shinobi

“You’re late,” were Alphinaud’s first words to them, standing next to a small ship of foreign design in the Vesper Bay harbour. Achiyo peered at it, wondering why it should look familiar. “No matter, I know where our visitors are headed.” Continue reading