Tag Archives: Zela

Detailed head-er


Click for larger. Decided it was high time to turn the temporary header into a slightly more detailed header. I tweaked the anatomy a little bit but Esgalwen’s nose is still blurp. I mostly did this to procrastinate on the last Transistor fanart which is the most ambitious one. I may tweak this further but it’s a lot shinier than it was before.

This week I found out that front break-falls in karate have been messing up my neck so not going to do those anymore.

Header WIP

Just uploaded a new header for the site; I’m reasonably happy with the lineart (except Flairé – what’s going on with your face, buddy?) but I’ll probably completely redo the colour later. Still, there’s enough here to update the banner with something a little more indicative of my current art and most important characters. : P

As for the characters, they’re pretty evenly mixed, I think… two kalmaei, one elf, one Hylian, two humans, a dragon, and an angel… and five males to three females isn’t bad. What is a little more odd is that there are four brunettes and three with black hair; not a lot of diversity there, and four with brown eyes, three with green, and one with grey.

If anyone doesn’t know who these people are, from L-R it’s: Zela and her son Flairé from the Adhemlenei, Esgalwen/Illinia from Mirkwood (Middle Earth), Ceniro of Santaruz from Elibe (FF7), Rana from Hyrule (LoZ), Hrulash and Garekhen from Rifted Riders, and Angel from my head. These people are the ones most fundamental to the development of my inner worlds.

Just wait: in a year or two, Liz will be on the header too. : P

Full-size art!


10 Character Meme

Click for insanity. Yeah, I kinda ran out of inspiration at the end… and one of the words is maybe not wholly PG, but some of them are not too bad. I like the one of Math defending me from EbilTam. Also the one where Flairé has to marry someone came out pretty much how I wanted it too, but the one of Flairé and Marteth camping I wish I’d been able to do better. Maybe I’ll just do it as a picture sometime.

So that’s what I’ve been doing instead of writing or anything useful.

If any of the panels aren’t clear, let me know so I can make it clear. : P

Bit of clarification anyway… Layalin isn’t joking when she says she’s going to die too – kalmaeirin elves have a heart condition that means they can literally break their hearts when they lose someone particularly dear to them. Of course, it would not be the fault of a car crash. : P

10 characters for a meme

Working on the hilarious 10 character meme. You can probably guess at the answers if you know it already… but they might not be what you expect! I thought some of these turned out rather well. Probably stolen from Colby, but it’s been so long I’ve forgotten. I only just got around to it. : P

Also editting Chapter 2 of the novel. Split it into two chapters, so Tam’s moment of glory is now in Chapter 3. Chapter 2 is still veeeery rough. Not happy with most of it. I may need to chop it out and rewrite it by itself a few times. Wondering how Chapter 3 will go, since I’ve never written it before. Flaer made a long internal monologue about how useless anger is… and then flips out at a dragon for being stupid. What a silly boy.

What else? Um, not much. Obsessing unhealthily over my DevArt. Added like five bazillion pictures to my favourites. Guess I should add more of my own stuff. I think I will stick to colour stuff, because the pencil stuff is not so impressive. More or less. If there’s something on Adhemlenei you think I should post on DevArt, tell me. : P

Also dug up my Tour links again in preparation for a couple weeks from now… Go Andy! And Cadel! And Ryder! Okay, I guess I can wait until it actually gets going. It’s gonna be amazing on the new TV.


Hmm. I like these little 400×400 paintings, and it’s been a while since I did Zela. So I did her. Not bad.

Maybe I’ll use it on her profile page.

EDIT: While editing her profile page, I have come to the conclusion that she is bi-polar. Or something.

New Family

Um. Yeah! Anyway it has Baby!Flairé so everything’s good, right?

Yeah I dunno.

Gotta go finish cleaning. Whoo.

I just had the best idea for practicing drawing cats and dogs and wolves and things! Make them… lycanthropic (?) versions of Adhemlenei people! Like, Marteth is a wolf, Gullac is a terrier (a deadly terrier… hmmm…) and Zela is a mountain lion! Flairé’s a big doggie. And a kitty at the same time. Hmmmmmmmm…

Stars and Midnight Blue II

"You have lost yourself in dreaming... I have lost myself in you... ...I can hear your heartbeat..."

“You have lost yourself in dreaming… I have lost myself in you… …I can hear your heartbeat…”

I was listening to Stars and Midnight Blue by Enya on her Christmas CD again… seems everytime I listen to it I get the urge to draw a new picture. So here you are, Flaer and Zela watching the stars and their breath in the cold air… and Zela’s wearing a sleeveless dress. : P What kin ya do.

I like drawing these two. I should do it more.

Technical Difficulties

Oops! Due to strange circumstances, there is no page this week. However, Eros and Psyche will be continuing as normal because I have a buffer and blah blah blah.

Flairé was not (badly) harmed in the making of this page. Panel. Thing. …He’ll recover. Eventually. And Math and Gullac are taking care of him.


Chibi chibi





Tweaks coming tomorrow. And additions.

Can YOU name everyone here?

Line 1: Adhemlenei, Zela’s family: Zela, Flaer, Flairé, Flaria, Menad, Marteth, Bayn, Gullac, and Mathaning

Line 2: Adhemlenei, others: Gyoriing, Muila, Layalin, Kylyralessa, Lyrestan, Tam, Jalril

Line 3: Zelda OCs: Rana and Raelle

Line 4: FE OCs: Ceniro, Salir, Anne

Line 5: Other: Esgalwen (in green???), Angel, Shell, Keesh, Rinako, Konane